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orders under £18

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    orders under £18

    if i sell a product to the uk under £18 i dont have to charge vat, i also have many products over £18 and am trying to make this as child proof as possable for the customer.
    currently i have selected all the products under £18 and made them exempt from vat and stated ship seperately,this is not good as i dont have vat calculated on each line of the cart (and dont know if i can), unless your a wizz at maths in the 7 second bounce delay you dont see any cost benefits.

    my ideal scenario

    product quantity each total vat

    blade1 1 £17.99 £17.99 Exempt
    blade2 2 £17.99 £35.98 Exempt (i will ship separate)
    blade3 1 £18.01 £18.01 £3.15

    can i do this please point me in the right direction, or if anyone is currently takeing advantage of this loop hole they may know a better way
    Gary Simpson
    Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....

    Hi Garry

    You have me confused your site says you are in Jersey which I though was a VAT free area

    You can only charge VAT when you are registered by your country and given a vat number, I did not think you could register in Jersey am I wrong?

    Your Jersey may be different but in the Mainland Uk once you are registered for VAT you must charge it on all items you sell whatever the price apart from some excemptions noted in the vat instructions (these vary I understand in different EEC countries)

    You are allowed to also excempt VAT if sending to europe to another VAT registerd customer as long as they provide their vat no to you which you show on your invoice to them along with your own
    Chris Ashdown


      hi chris

      jersey uk: enjoys a vat loophole uk posted imports have the vat waved under the value of £18 the government is trying to close this loophole but for now were sitting pretty in jersey classed as offshore. we must take possesion of the goods though so no drop shipping
      Gary Simpson
      Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....



        Looked up your site under planner blades and found this statement

        "The real McCoy, these are the same blades, from the same factory, made to the same specification as the blades you can buy from the big brands but at a fraction of the price. Expert quality, reversible solid carbide K20 planer blades for use on all makes of power planer. Will outlast conventional HSS blades by at least 20 times and produces a smoother, cleaner finish."

        Do you no this for sure and will you always be notified on any production changes, you are making a very strong statement that the big companies may want to challenge in court if you are wrong. if I was you I would immediatly rewrite this discription toned down a great deal
        Chris Ashdown


          this quote is direct from my supplier
          Gary Simpson
          Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....


            enquired further found that my supplier (a uk manufacturer) makes these blades so there bold quote would suggest to me that they are supplying the large companies, or i think you are right someone would have had them in court............
            Gary Simpson
            Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....


              The trouble is the way I see it, they would take you to court as you are the one stating it as fact, they may take the others as well, but you are responcible for your own site which is making the claims

              This is the paragraph which I think is a potential problem

              "The real McCoy, these are the same blades, from the same factory, made to the same specification as the blades you can buy from the big brands but at a fraction of the price"
              Chris Ashdown


                food for thought

                will enquire further but if my supplier makes and sells these blades to larger more recognised names then this statement actually is a fact....
                anyway does any one know if i can have vat calculated and shown at the end of each line in the cart for each above...?
                Gary Simpson
                Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....


                  Hi Gary,

                  I do not think this is possible but have asked development to take a look and see if there is a possibility. Will post back as soon as I hear from them.

                  Kind regards,
                  Bruce King


                    As mentioned earlier, this is not easily done and would require a very major change to the perl sript. One for the wish list I am afraid.. Will add your request there for you.
                    Bruce King


                      thanks bruce

                      is this a script that someone could be comissioned to write as a one off for my site or does actinic need to be further developed..?
                      Gary Simpson
                      Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....


                        hi paul

                        i take your point that the final price is the most important thing, but i do think pointing out the vat benefits to the customer where you can has to be a good thing, it would be great and much simpler if i could just not reference vat in the site at all, and market acordingly, but about 10% of my products are over the £18.
                        nice site you have there had to ask the missus if she'd head of you (she had)
                        Gary Simpson
                        Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....


                          Ok if someone buys a quantity of one of a product which costs under £18, how will you manage it if they buy 2 of the same product


                            ah ha..!

                            ship seperatly...
                            Gary Simpson
                            Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....

