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Your shopping cart is empty

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    Your shopping cart is empty

    I get this message after I have added to basket and then I go to checkout.

    I have set up several sites before although this is the first time on this server.

    I have also read for the last few hours many threads on this topic.

    The chmod are correct.

    The cart files are the same as I have used before on other sites.

    I am using Developer v7.05

    The site is

    Any help much appreciated.

    Have checked and double checked stuff, away from pc now for couple of hours so if anyone can give me some idiot checks to look at as soon as I return I will do so, usually it something silly!!

    Curtain Poles

    Is the above URL correct as I am getting a unable to find message?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



      Have checked the site @ and was able to add to cart and reached the paypal page without loosing the cart. Works just fine. Can you try deleting cookies and temp internet files and then checking the store?

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        I also had no problem with functionality and added several items to cart and removed them without technical problem, though I found the colour scheme made reading the site a little difficult. The Orange/Black?Orange nav buttons are too small for me, and the black text on blue on the store location page is not a very good contrast.
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          Manually entering the URL I can get to the site. I also managed to get through to the payments without issue.

          Are the top level navigation buttons meant to be stacked vertically under the site logo? I would have thought a horizontal layout (possibly with a black background) would have worked better. The red in the shopping cart is a little bit on the violent side IMHO

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



            Thanks for all your input and help folks.

            I finally figured it out, I changed the payment occ stuff manually but got sidetracked whislt doing it and ended up with half modded page that was obviously corrupt.

            The links should be straight yes and will be sorted properly this week with any luck when I get chance to work on it.
            Curtain Poles

