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The Page Cannot Be Displayed

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    The Page Cannot Be Displayed

    Occasionaly customers get the following error.....

    "The page cannot be displayed
    The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings..... etc "

    I've tested for the error on several pc's on our network, most never get the error, yet the odd pc gets it occasionally during the payment prosess. Of caurse you cannot refreash because the page would expire if you did that.

    This is a strange one which only effects the odd one or two users and does not seem to follow any particular patern. All the pc's seem to have the same settings and have had the updates from MS.

    Customers also get it when on dial up so I don't think it's a firewall issue


    also the error happens almost immediately after clicking the link sugesting that it's a caching issue, but as said above there's no patern on several pc's on the network


    If you want to test the shop go to

    if you want to make test purchases can you mark them as test so that i can delete them from downloaded orders



      I have just seen this happening on your store.

      I had a similar error the other day on one of my stores, but that was fixed it by removing the 'Limited by Location' option on the payment methods in the 'Payment and Security' tab of 'Business Settings'. The fact that this is intermittent shows it must be something to do with the SSL server you are using.

      I'm wondering if it is a server timeout thing. If I race through the fields, filling them in then it works fine. If I leave it 60 seconds then I get the 'page not found' page.


        thanks for the reply

        the 'Limited by Location' option is removed. Can I add that the error occurs instantly after the mouse click, which suggests it's a local issue such as retreiving cached pages.

        The PC's that get the error also get a simular issue on some other https sites. I have gone through the settings in IE6 and can't find anything different to those PC's that never get the error.

        I'm probably wrong but my instincts suggest it has something to do with a MS setting somewhere on the PC, which is probably buried deeper than an Alabama tick.

        Interesting though, this PC which I'm using now never had the error after extensive testing (following compliants from the odd customer) leading me to believe the problem didn't really exist, but perhaps the customers in question were doing something wrong.
        Last week though my hard drive failed and since rebuilding with Win 98se plus all the updates from MS, I am now getting the problem.

        If anyone has any ideas has to what it could be please feel free to advise....


          same error for this site

          I also get this error - during the checkout process I occasionally get a 'page cannot be displayed' message.

          The problem is occasional - perhaps one in 10 orders on different browser versions.

          Your support team directed me to these pages


          but we applied a fix and it seems to have improved a bit but I still get the error now and again



            For whatever reason, your SSL settings are causing the session to time out because it is not waiting long enough for a response from the Perl.

            There may be people out there who can recommend alternative hosting which do not have this problem.


              We are currently experiencing the same problems on a RAQ550.

              Does anybody have an answer?

              Alan Stanley


                If these are Apache servers, change the value of KeepAliveTimeout to 60 in the the httpd.conf file.

                I had a similar problem three years ago (not with Actinic). Problem only occured with IE and SSL. No one understood why it fixed the problem, it just did.
                Bob Ladden


                  We applied the various fixes that Actinic pointed us towards on the microsoft website but non joy - it was intermittant but caused problems for customers so I ended up having to move my site as we tried lots of different things with no success, the site is fine now so the problem was definitely with the server.



                    I have read in several raq forums that it is not advisable to change the keep alive timeout as it effects browsers in different ways.

                    Alan Stanley


                      All I can say is that it fixed my problem. I got the fix from other people when it fixed their problem.
                      Bob Ladden

