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Remote File Locations

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    Remote File Locations

    When creating our site locally we saved image files in various locations scattered across the hard disk, however now we wish to move all of our images to the Site1 folder. In order to do this without having to go through every product in Actinic to update the new file locations, is there anyway that we can download our image files from the server where our website is located and then store them in the the site 1 folder. I assume that this is possible because when the website is uploaded to the web it would appear that Actinic groups all of our images together and stores them in its own directory on the remote server therefore updating the file locations itself too. Basically I would like to reverse this and download images and image file locations from the server without having to update the file locations myself.

    Many thanks.

    Connevct to the web server with a stand alone FTP program and connect to the /acatalog/ folder of the site - you should be able to sort by file extension to download all the .jpg, .gif (possibly .png) image files and drag them over to your hard drive.

    You will still need to point the location of the image files to the new location under Actinic so it knows where they are. The quickest way would be to export the file to Excel and modify the paths to the SITE1 folder there.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      For Jonts's second point you can use Access to open ActinicCatalog.mdb, look in the Product table, Image FileName field and use an Update Query to replace any invalid C:\path\ type entries with the one to the new image location. Back this file up before trying anything.

      Manually put a product image into this new location first and see what it's entry looks like so you'll know what the desired result is.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

