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Strange things occuring!

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    Strange things occuring!

    We ocassionally have the odd order that appears pending payment when payment has actually been received.

    We also occasionally don't get a copy of the order emailed to us when a customer pays via WorldPay.

    These things we can cope with, but today we have started getting the following happening regularly;

    - Order & Payment made by customer but nothing was available to download (we only knew the order was there due to the copy order email)

    - Order & Payment made by customer but still pending payment in Actinic
    (this is happening for Protx & Worldpay)

    As you can imagine this a turning into a real hassle.

    Anyone having anything similar happening today or have any answers?



    Note: No changes have been made to anything on the site (Developer V.0.3) and the site hasn't been updated for a couple of days).


    - Order & Payment made by customer but still pending payment in Actinic
    (this is happening for Protx & Worldpay)
    This will only happen if the payment has not been authorised on the PSP end, payment made, you receive the confirmation email etc, but since the payment has not been authorised, the .ocx file that is the callback from the PSP has not been sent and so the order is sitting in pending.

    - Order & Payment made by customer but nothing was available to download (we only knew the order was there due to the copy order email)
    Did you check with the customer if they had made a payment for the order? The Order email is generated when the customer is bounced to the PSP page, if the customer decided to go back to the store before making the payment and then return you would still get an email ( an order has been placed), and the customer on returning to the PSP page will have a new order number. Would be best to check on the PSP if a payment was actually made or not.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

