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£0.00 prices not showing?

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    £0.00 prices not showing?

    If an item has a price of £0.00 (i.e. free!) the price does not display at all... ideally it would be nice if there was a setting in Actinic that could let you choose whether to display zero rated prices?

    Any ideas? Thanks...

    You are right in that this is the way Actinic works by default.

    I would add my price details into the bottom of the full description of the product if you want it to simply say that 'this item is free'.


      Yes we tried that already - but unfortunately it then changes the formatting and you get the 'add to cart' button pushed further down the page...


        I'm not sure I understand this but I suppose it depends on what template you're using.

        If Actinic is displaying a price of £0.00 then the 'add to cart button' will be moved down the page anyway (unless you've set it up as an inline price).

        In that case why not modify a template for free products and just hard code the £0.00 into the template where you want it.

        It's not too hard and almost all of my templates are variations on the standard ones.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          I agree there are ways to work-around this but really I think it would be a nice feature in the 'baseline' product that gives you the option of having the price removed (as now) or displaying the price still - abeit as £0.00


            Yeah, would probably be nice.

            But to do it properly, they'd have to add some extra features. Some people would want £0.00 displayed, others would want 'Free' displayed, some would want to change the font and colour of the 'Free' text.

            Personally I'm happy to just copy a template and hand code "Free" where I want it.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


