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Not Receiving Customer Orders

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    Not Receiving Customer Orders

    Hi guys - I've scrolled through the first 13 pages of the forum, and done a few searches but to no avail I'm afraid...

    We have a couple of intermitent problems with our site.

    1. Customers are receiving confirmation emails of an order, but we do not receive the order (3 times over the last few weeks)
    2. We receive the order, but customers do not receive the email (not as important, but interesting)
    3. The checkout doesn't work sending them back to the home page (quite bad, unless user error)

    (the 3rd one is a bit sketchy, since the mail order department are relaying customer's experiences so there's a lot of room for error!)

    We used to get stuck orders on an old version, but I was under the impression this was all fixed now. Was running 7.0.4 catalog, just upgraded to 7.0.5, but nothing in the release notes suggested this.

    Any ideas would be greatfully received, since they're starting to lose faith in me

    :Bump: Any help on this, the natives are getting restless...

    Thanks, Simon


      Originally posted by Cessquill

      We have a couple of intermitent problems with our site.

      1. Customers are receiving confirmation emails of an order, but we do not receive the order (3 times over the last few weeks)
      How do you know this?
      Are the customers forwarding their copy of their order to you? I've had cusotmers say they've placed an order before and I've had no record of order or payment... turned out they probably abandoned their order before completing/paying as they've been unable to forward evidence of a completed, paid for order!

      Originally posted by Cessquill
      2. We receive the order, but customers do not receive the email (not as important, but interesting)
      With all payment methods? Paypal is notorious for not taking customers back to the store after taking payment and therefore not generating the callback necessary to generate the customer email.
      Also, customers tend to get to the receipt page and then wander off elsewhere without clicking "done"
      I believe that the customer receipt email is usually generated when they are sent back to the store by clicking this button?
      Alternatively, some people don't have a clue what their email address is!

      Originally posted by Cessquill
      3. The checkout doesn't work sending them back to the home page (quite bad, unless user error)
      (the 3rd one is a bit sketchy, since the mail order department are relaying customer's experiences so there's a lot of room for error!)
      No idea with this one, at which point are they being sent back to the store? Like you said, you're receiving non-techinal complaints third-hand so its going to be impossible to pinpoint a problem (if any!) unless you can replicate it yourself. Most likely the customer is clicking the wrong button but who am I to suggest such a thing

      Not sure I've been helpful though, sorry!


        Originally posted by budgetbumps
        How do you know this?
        Are the customers forwarding their copy of their order to you? I've had cusotmers say they've placed an order before and I've had no record of order or payment... turned out they probably abandoned their order before completing/paying as they've been unable to forward evidence of a completed, paid for order!
        Yes - we've had some forwarded emails unfortunately. I originally raised that, until they forwarded the receipt on, complete with order number that I can not trace in Actinic.

        Originally posted by budgetbumps
        With all payment methods? Paypal is notorious for not taking customers back to the store after taking payment and therefore not generating the callback necessary to generate the customer email.
        Also, customers tend to get to the receipt page and then wander off elsewhere without clicking "done"
        I believe that the customer receipt email is usually generated when they are sent back to the store by clicking this button?
        Alternatively, some people don't have a clue what their email address is!
        We don't accept paypal on our store. In fact, all payments are processed off-line by our mail order department. However, I will look into whether it's payment-type dependant. Thanks.

        Originally posted by budgetbumps
        No idea with this one, at which point are they being sent back to the store? Like you said, you're receiving non-techinal complaints third-hand so its going to be impossible to pinpoint a problem (if any!) unless you can replicate it yourself. Most likely the customer is clicking the wrong button but who am I to suggest such a thing
        It could well be that our server is being saturated with processor load (there is also a forum running on the same box which has bumped the processor usage up some - that might have overloaded it). Until I can replicate (including user error) - I'll not know.

        Originally posted by budgetbumps
        Not sure I've been helpful though, sorry!
        Thanks for your time - got the ball rolling and given me a few things to think about. It's mainly us not receiving the orders that I'm most concerned about (point 1). Like I say, I remember in an old version they could get stuck on the server and be forced down now and then, but I didn't think this was an issue any more.

