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Metatags Keywords and Sandboxes

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    Metatags Keywords and Sandboxes

    Hi All
    If you are unfortunate to have a new domain name, google will sandbox you for up to a year..that means they will put you through their sandbox filter and your site will not get the high ranking it may otherwise get..they introduced last year to stop spammers...
    And meta tags ...keywords are not as effective as they used to be in the early days of search engine rankings..aparently the Title Page is more usefull to the search engine then the Meta Keyword..
    Just type Computer in google search..and you will always see Apple and Dell taking the no. 1 & 2 spot..Apple only uses one Meta Keyword (Apple Computer) !!!!!!

    Originally posted by Doc
    Just type Computer in google search..and you will always see Apple and Dell taking the no. 1 & 2 spot..Apple only uses one Meta Keyword (Apple Computer) !!!!!!
    cooo...wait til Bill Gates hears about that


      he'll probably have shares in Google...


        Originally posted by Doc
        And meta tags ...keywords are not as effective as they used to be in the early days of search engine rankings..aparently the Title Page is more usefull to the search engine then the Meta Keyword..
        If you had read all the posts in these forums about keywords and page titles you would have already reached this conclusion


          Yes I have read one or two of your posts..I think you are mainly focused on Keywords from what you say..


            Keywords in the page content (as in important words) are great and not confused with meta keywords which are having less impact.

            I did an experiment a few months back with a 1 page site with no meta words but use of title tags and keyword contents in text links (pointing to a null location) and this was picked up by Google after less than a month as number 2 on its list! Wish the rest of the sites were that easy

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              HI Jont
              Industry specialists recommend that about 2-5% of your page content should be keywords..


                yes, there is an important distinction to be made here.

                I use the word "keyword" to refer to the word or phrase I would expect people to use in a search engine to find a site.

                This has no relation to the keyword meta tag - which is virtually redundant.

                From time to time I use the keyword meta tag just to remind myself what keyword and or keyword phrase I have optimised the body text for.

