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Order Completion Problem

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    Order Completion Problem

    I am having problems after shipping product within an order.
    After I click on the shipping tab, it shows that I have ship the product.
    Then I click okay to go to the main screen to view the order and it shows no shipping date.
    I also get a warning when I try to print, that the order has not yet shipped.
    This is odd and I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this problem.

    Any help is appreciated!

    (Actinic U.S. User)
    Jeffrey Michael
    Choice Vacuum
    Bellevue, WA, USA


    Do you get any sort of an error message or anything? Can you try unshipping the item on the line Item tab and then ship it again to see if this time around it shows a shippied date on the main Order tab? If you still have no progress. Go into Housekeeping | Compact Databases | select shipping and click on OK. This will close down Actinic.

    Reopen and see fi there has been an improvement.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      I have tried everything including the suggestion you made about compacting the database that I did not know about but I still see the problem.
      I have had this happen several times in the past and it normally occurs when the application stalls.
      I have to end up forcing Actinic to close by ending the application.
      Upon restarting, it seems to be stuck at not transfering to the completed section and I end up exporting the order.
      The application normally crashes when trying to send email.
      I have had this problem, I think since 6.0, when we had the capability to send email through Actinic.
      It does not seem to matter what computer I am using Actinic on because it has happened on 3 different machines.

      Thank you for you response!
      Jeffrey Michael
      Choice Vacuum
      Bellevue, WA, USA


        Can you tell me what happens when you run a test in Advanced | Network Setup? What error messages do you get? Do you get any emails at all from Actinic when orders are placed etc? If you dont then I would suggest checking with your hosting company if they require SMTP authentication to enable sending of emails etc.. If they do then I would suggest entering those details in the Network Setup and then checking to see if you hae the same issues.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          No errors...mail system is working except for that minor send email glitch that freezes the application.
          Sometimes it will send email right away, other times it lags from a few seconds to the application completely freezing.
          Like I mentioned, this has occurred on several different computers and servers.
          Everthing else is fine.
          I have been a user of Actinic for about 4 1/2 years now and there has always been some kind of application glitch.
          It is hard to switch Shopping Cart companies particularly when you have an established Website etc.
          I guess no application is perfect but I do like the control of Actinic and I cannot seem to find this anywhere else.
          Jeffrey Michael
          Choice Vacuum
          Bellevue, WA, USA


            I guess no application is perfect but I do like the control of Actinic and I cannot seem to find this anywhere else.
            Thats nice to hear.. maybe you could take a look at the error log on the server to see what is causing the freezing on the system. Maybe the server is running out of resources or something. You will find the error in the acatalog folder, file name error.err .

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              After exporting the order to file, it seems that does not work either because after I print an invoice, the order goes back to pending.

              By the way, what program opens up the error file?

              Thank you Bruce, for the troubleshooting!
              Jeffrey Michael
              Choice Vacuum
              Bellevue, WA, USA


                You can open the error file with notepad..
                Bruce King


                  Anyway, I reExported the orders.
                  Now, they seem to be back in completed.
                  I will check the error file and report back.
                  Jeffrey Michael
                  Choice Vacuum
                  Bellevue, WA, USA


                    I may have found the problem with the sending mail situation.
                    According to my Web hosting company, I need to be logged on to my mail server before I can send email.
                    Hopefully, this will take care of my freezing issues when trying to send email through Actinic.
                    Jeffrey Michael
                    Choice Vacuum
                    Bellevue, WA, USA


                      Unfortunately, not being logged on to the mail server is NOT the issue.
                      The freezing is still occurring during sending out mail.
                      As a matter of fact, this freezing and the Actinic application locking up was an issue with another Web hosting server.
                      So, it is definitely an issue with Actinic itself, not the server or user's computer.
                      Jeffrey Michael
                      Choice Vacuum
                      Bellevue, WA, USA


                        I would suggest you raise a support query sot hat the support person can take a snapshot of teh site from you and see what could be causing the issue. You are a US customer so you can register your query here..

                        Kind regards,
                        Bruce King

