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Paypal,Nochex failing to register

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    Paypal,Nochex failing to register

    Hi all

    Can anyone help with the following,Ive just put nochex on my site to go along with paypal and I now cannot upload to my site at all ,I keep getting the following Message while trying to upload

    Payment Service provider,paypal failed to register Property Class ID({Ac070065-1102-9520-080000511272}).
    This also happen's with nochex

    I am still able to receive payments from both just unable to upload or refresh website

    Regards jsd

    Hi, I have exactly the same problem on one machine (Paypay & Nochex) . If I export and restore the database to another macnine where I keep a full backup of Actinic it works fine. I'm reloading the full 6.1.5. ERGA patch to see if it fixes the problem.

    Anthony Kudzin


      Problem solved
      This fixed the problem for me.
      Close Actinic
      Download the full update to the latest 6.1.5 version
      Run install
      Install ONLY the PSP and SSP options (takes about 2 mins)
      Restart Actinic and add in Payment Providers and re-publish to the web.

      I think registry entries for the PSP's must have got corrupted.

      There may be shorter ways to install just the PSP's Shared Service providers, but this worked for me and I have exactly the same errors for Paypay and Nochex.

      Anthony Kudzin



        Sorry about not repling sooner been away all week

        Thanks for the info I have tried to do what you did but to no avail,still shows
        as not registering properly.Justhave to keep trying it will come right eventualy

        Regards John Davis


          Registry problems ?

          I think there must be some registry corruption problems ?

          I should add that I did remove all the payment service providers from my system before closing and running the install of the PSP / Service providers. I figured that if the registry was corrupt removing them first would clear out the incorrect entry and running re-install would put back the original entry....if that helps ?

          Anthony Kudzin

