I'm having problems uploading to my site on http://www.uk-cheapest.co.uk/ I'm hosting my old site as well as developing my new site in a subdomain. Both the Network wizard and the Advanced Network 'test' function both report that the cgi scripts fail to execute properly. The wizard halts when trying to perform a cgmod comand and the Advanced Network test halts indicating "The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI script extension, the path to CGI-BIN, and the CGI-BIN URL. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts."
path to the perl shell =usr/bin/perl and is confirmed in the UKC FAQ
Web Site URL = http://www.shop.<mydomain>.com/
Catalog URL = http://www.shop.<mydomain>.com/acatalog/
CGI-BIN URL = http://www.shop.<mydomain>.com/cgi-bin/
Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog = ../acatalog/ (i have tried ./acatalog/ as well but unless it's ../ the acatalog dir is created ib the cgi-bin directory not one level up )
Path to CGI-BIN = /var/www/shop/cgi-bin/
Path from CGI-BIN to actalog (ftp svr) has been tried as blank, ./acatlog/ and ../acatalog/
Perl ext has been checked on the web svr. It was set to just * but I chnaged it to .pl as well without any effect.
The rights to the CGI-BIN dir and files have been checked = 755
I can connect using a ftp client and add, change, delete etc files from any directory I want using the same userid and psw that is entered in the network setup.
I've done this a few times on a dev wwwsvr and on a freeweb svr and it's always uploaded fine it's just now when I want to go live it wont!
Has anyone got any experience with this company and it's server config? Any ideas?
path to the perl shell =usr/bin/perl and is confirmed in the UKC FAQ
Web Site URL = http://www.shop.<mydomain>.com/
Catalog URL = http://www.shop.<mydomain>.com/acatalog/
CGI-BIN URL = http://www.shop.<mydomain>.com/cgi-bin/
Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog = ../acatalog/ (i have tried ./acatalog/ as well but unless it's ../ the acatalog dir is created ib the cgi-bin directory not one level up )
Path to CGI-BIN = /var/www/shop/cgi-bin/
Path from CGI-BIN to actalog (ftp svr) has been tried as blank, ./acatlog/ and ../acatalog/
Perl ext has been checked on the web svr. It was set to just * but I chnaged it to .pl as well without any effect.
The rights to the CGI-BIN dir and files have been checked = 755
I can connect using a ftp client and add, change, delete etc files from any directory I want using the same userid and psw that is entered in the network setup.
I've done this a few times on a dev wwwsvr and on a freeweb svr and it's always uploaded fine it's just now when I want to go live it wont!
Has anyone got any experience with this company and it's server config? Any ideas?