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Editing Contact Us Page

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    Editing Contact Us Page

    Hi there

    I would like to set up an online survey for market research, and since I don't use the contact us page, I thought I would amend the fields and have a link to it from the homepage.

    There is some information in the knowledge base about editing fields, involving adding the fields in the contact us template through the template manager, and then editing the I have tried doing both of these, but since my knowledge of perl is limited, I think I have come a cropper somewhere along the line!

    On the website ( there is no contactus.html, only a Contact_Us.html file which I created manually and a mail_form.html which shows my changes to the contact us form but shows NETQUOTEVAR etc in some of the fields. If you try filling in the fields it comes up with an internal server error and no emails are sent, either to us here at capital gardens or to the person who has filled in the survey.

    Have I missed something?

    I have attached the contact us template, and the

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give!

    Attached Files

    The template looks ok but the is mangled and that is why it is not working. I would suggest you make a copy of the original .pl file from C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Original and work on it again. The .pl file in its present form (as upoaded) will not work.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      contact us

      Thanks, in the meantime, I replaced the dicky files with the originals and found that although the form worked in essence, it still showed the NETQUOTEVAR info in the fields. I tried editing the template and .pl file more simply using info from another thread (9104??) and it worked. You actually only need to edit the .pl file in one place:

      After line: $sTextMailBody .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2371) . $sEmailRecpt . "\r\n";

      I added: $sTextMailBody .= "How did you find us?: " . $::g_InputHash{'How did you find us?'} . "\r\n";

      and continued adding lines until I had used all fields added in the template file.

      Oh, and in the template file I just deleted the NETQUOTEVAR:EMAIL etc in the fields part of the form. All sorted, except now of course I want to do more and add tick boxes which I think I saw a thread on...

      Thanks and nice cap



        Other thread

        Sorry, other tread was 9401, which also has info on adding tick boxes.

