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payment methods in different formats

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    payment methods in different formats

    whilst I am on a inquisitive phase at the moment I might as well try to solve this problem.
    I tried to use the offering payment methods in different format.
    I followed the instructions in the advanced user guide on page 67 and nothing happens what-so-ever, the checkout process does not change at all the bulleted list for payment options does not appear.
    Taking into account the other problems I am having with the cart value to show outside of the cart and the options changes of agreeing to conditions, not materialising in the invoice print out report I wonder whether there is some fault somewhere. If anyone could please try and help me with this, I would be eternally grateful to you. The cart not showing problem appeared right from the start, and could not have anything to do with me making changes to the programming.
    Whizz Shop

    I followed the instructions in the advanced user guide on page 67 and nothing happens what-so-ever, the checkout process does not change at all the bulleted list for payment options does not appear.
    Did you update or refresh the site once you made the changes as described in the AUG? Sometimes it is necesary to refresh the page or even delete your temporary internet files and cookies to be able to view changes as the page might just appear from a cache and not display the changes made.

    the options changes of agreeing to conditions, not materialising in the invoice print out report I wonder whether there is some fault somewhere.
    The agreement to the Terms and conditions appear both on the email the customer receives and the email the merchant receives, which is sufficient in most cases. If you do want it to appear on teh Invoice report, you will have to edit invoices.rpt and to do this you will need to have Crystal Reports v8.5. If you dont, you can get in touch with Jan @ and see if she can do a custom report for you.

    As for the cart contents not displaying, I guess you have gone over this with Chris Dickens on another thread and with Kiran on the email ticket you raised. The issue is that your ISP/Host needs to create a symbolic link between the secure and non secure parts of the server. Please take a look at this post to get an idea of how this is done...

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Dear Bruce
      thanks for taking the time to write to me.
      It's true simple things like cleaning the cache can easily mess up results. I shall try this again another time when I have got more time and see how this goes.

      With the reports its already solved, by following all instances in the design text search.

      With the ISP thing and the symbolic link that is the first I hear and its very interesting, I shall follow that up. Just had this problem again with a Chat script I just installed where a java script doesn't work because the cgi part interacts with the html part and it cannot bridge properly. Could only solve this one by calling on the script via the cgi and integrate the html part from that end. But cannot function by calling with a java script from the Html acting onto the cgi.
      I shall investigate this and let you know if I had any success with it in respect of the actinic cart. It will take a little time to make enquiries with Demon

      Thanks again for your time.
      Last edited by whizz; 17-Nov-2005, 01:25 PM. Reason: spelling errors
      Whizz Shop


        Originally posted by Bruce
        Did you update or refresh the site once you made the changes as described in the AUG? Sometimes it is necesary to refresh the page or even delete your temporary internet files and cookies to be able to view changes as the page might just appear from a cache and not display the changes made.

        The agreement to the Terms and conditions appear both on the email the customer receives and the email the merchant receives, which is sufficient in most cases. If you do want it to appear on teh Invoice report, you will have to edit invoices.rpt and to do this you will need to have Crystal Reports v8.5. If you dont, you can get in touch with Jan @ and see if she can do a custom report for you.

        As for the cart contents not displaying, I guess you have gone over this with Chris Dickens on another thread and with Kiran on the email ticket you raised. The issue is that your ISP/Host needs to create a symbolic link between the secure and non secure parts of the server. Please take a look at this post to get an idea of how this is done...

        Kind regards,
        Hi Bruce, that didn't take me long then, to look into your suggestion. It doesn't seem to be the same problem that I have as the person you are referring to has a problem with https to httpd.
        I do not have this problem I do not have a https server at all.
        I have a problem with different domain names appearing for my cgi and http scripts namely

        This is what's causing all java scripts to crash that communicate between the two addresses from the html side of the programs.

        There is no solution other than going around the problem. I have created a pop up window where customers can see the whole cart in a smaller version window whilst shopping, allowing them also to carry out cart and shopping actions simultaneously whilst in the catalogue pages.
        Demon has rules of its own, its more secure but also much more difficult.
        Last edited by whizz; 17-Nov-2005, 02:07 PM. Reason: clear up jibberish
        Whizz Shop


          It is basically the same thing, the issue there was a https and a httpd server on different locations and hence the secure cgi-bin not being able to return to catalog. In theory this is exactly what is happening with your site. Give it a try and see if it helps, no harm done.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King

