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Windows Server IIS Install Documentation

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    Windows Server IIS Install Documentation

    I have seen various posts by admin with regards to setup documents for Actinic 4 on windows IIS and would appreciate it if someone could please forward (via email) this or these document(s).


    This has tech docs covering setting up the server and the like.

    Think this is what you were after.


      Yes I did see that area, however I was unable to find anything for IIS6..

      Has Actinic written anything, or can offer advice, for IIS6.




        You will find it here ..

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King



          A note of caution here, wanted to let you know that v4 does not work on a windows 2003 server. If you are trying to set it up as a standalone installation to run as localhost you might get there but not otherwise.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Thanks for the documentation...

            Are you saying that I cannot upload the site to an IIS6 server??

            The backend GUI will not be running on the server, only the Perl/HTML based site via FTP..

            I cannot see any reason why Actinic (site) wouldn't run on IIS6, if you could please elaborate on your statement...



              The issue is specific to v4 of Actinic. There are certain characters within the perl for that version that windows 2003 server does not like and hence the issue. v4 is no longer being updated and there is no possibility of changing the code to suite windows 2003 server requirements. You can upload any other version from v5 onwards and have it work without a problem.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King


                I wish you could be more specific, I have made extensive changes to our Perl scripts to provide bespoke operation and changing Actinic version now is simply not an option.

                Please provide technical information as to the problem so I can review the situation and decide if further mofications to the Perl can resolve this issue..


                This appears to contradict your statement Bruce..?


                  The bug is actually in a MS library method used to build Actinic. A work round was introduced in v5.0 to avoid using the faulty method.

                  The bug causes a line feed to be sent to the server as the 'User Agent' in the HTTP header. This is actually HTTP/1.1 but the bug causes the 'User Agent' to get corrupted. IIS5 and IIS6 are more picky than IIS4 which does run Actinic v4. If the user-agent contains bad characters then the request fails.

                  Your options as I see them are...
                  1) Upgrade Actinic
                  2) Upload to a server other than IIS5 or IIS6
                  3) Try v4 with IIS6, you may get lucky. There is no guarantee that upload will work. If it doesn't, restart Actinic and try again (simulates clearing the bad memory). If the problem persists then you need to consider the other options.

                  At this point there can be no modification to the perl as it would require the Actinic v4 executable to be rebuilt.

                  Kind regards,
                  Bruce King


                    I would also like to add that we have tried to get v4 working on both IIS5 and IIS6 and have had no luck. Our findings have been very much as posted in teh thread above. There have been several reports of this and in most cases people have upgraded their software or moved to a UNIX / Linux solution. The only place where there is a mention of it perhaps working, is . It maybe worthwile checking with Steve Quinn of Harlequin Domains as to how he got it working, though I must add that there is no specific mention of the version of Actinic being v4.

                    Kind regards,
                    Bruce King

