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Google Analytics..

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    Google Analytics..

    Can anyone help me out with this and tell me which page I should be inserting my tracking code into?

    I have tried both Index.html in siteHTML folder using Frontpage and also direct in Actinic with the Home page content itself between the usual !!< >!! - but to no avail - Google analytics is still telling me it can't see the tracking code.

    Please can anyone help.


    For all your car, motorcycle and marine care, cleaning and detailing products.

    Hi Rob - you will probably need to add it into the Act_Primary.html and possibly the Act_BrochurePrimary.html templates in the root of the Site1 folder ... these are the master templates for most of the site (Act_PrimaryCheckout will add into the cart area)


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Originally posted by jont
      Hi Rob - you will probably need to add it into the Act_Primary.html and possibly the Act_BrochurePrimary.html templates in the root of the Site1 folder ... these are the master templates for most of the site (Act_PrimaryCheckout will add into the cart area)

      Jon is correct - Act_Primary and Act_BrochurePrimary.

      Having done that and uploaded your site again Google will still claim the code isn't there for about 12 hours. There's a bit of a delay on there system due to sheer volumes. It's worth the wait though.



        Jon & Phil - Many thanks.

        I have now pasted the script text into these two pages.

        Should I remove from the Index.html? and the Home Page description

        Also Google in their instructions sya it should be pasted into every page. Does the script therefore need to be pasted into every product page in Actinic?

        Many thanks


        For all your car, motorcycle and marine care, cleaning and detailing products.


          By putting it into these two pages you will have covered most pages generated by Actinic excluding your cart and checkout pages and any other pages you may have that are created with modified templates. You will need to add it the template you are using for those also.

          I'd be interested to hear your feedback about GA when you have some data - I intend adding it to my site as well soon. Out of interest are you tracking Google adwords conversions also?



            Originally posted by drounding
            I'd be interested to hear your feedback about GA when you have some data - I intend adding it to my site as well soon. Out of interest are you tracking Google adwords conversions also?


            Hi Duncan

            I track adwords conversions - its really worth doing - you can soon see where you are throwing away money on keywords/adverts that just do not convert. Its a must for anyone using adwords for sales.

            Commercial Cleaning Cambridgeshire


              Anyone managed to set up the e-commerce tracking within Analytics. If so, do you know the correct parameters?


              Located in Edinburgh UK




                Thank you for your reply. I have now added the tracking code to


                Do I need it in all of these. Will it cause confusion and duplicate data? If I need to remove some which ones shoudl I remove.

                Yes I am looking to track Google Adwords as well in this system and will let you know result as the data start coming throuh. I have had a small amount of data through from Thursday but nothing yet for Friday or Today.

                Also I am interested in tracking the route through the order process using this sytem and idenifying where any dropouts occur. Do you think I should also be pasting the text into

                Act_Order03 and

                From what I can see this FREE (ath the moment) tool is going to be a valuable essential for most of us without existing tracking systems/ I will report back progress as I go but would also be willing to learn from you more experienced and knowledgeable guys and gals out there on setting up the e-commerce traking.

                If any one can help on above question - your input would be gratefully received.


                For all your car, motorcycle and marine care, cleaning and detailing products.


                  Rob, from the look of some of those file names, you've added your code either in PreviewHTML or SiteHTML folder copies of the web pages. Those will be overwritten by Actinic next time you upload.

                  The code needs to go in the *Primary* template files in Site1 folder. Act_PrimaryCheckout.html is the overall layout for the checkout pages, so no need to add again into Act_Order templates.

                  Just put it in the four *Primary* files you named above and that should cover all your pages.
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                    Yep, the code goes into the three Act_Primary templates and Act_BrochurePrimary as described (presuming you haven't replaced or renamed these templates).

                    You might be in for a wait though, I've been waiting nearly 48 hours for the tracking to be validated on my website. I think Google has seriously underestimated the sign-up rate, On another website, I read this response letter from Google, posted today from a presumably hacked-off user.

                    Google Analytics has experienced extremely strong demand, and as a result, we have temporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. In the meantime, please submit your name and email address and we will notify you as soon as we are ready to add new accounts. Thank you for your patience.
                    The demand for Google Analytics surpassed even our highest expectations and as a result some customers may temporarily experience report-update delays. All data continues to be collected and no data has been lost. We are currently adding resources to ensure high-quality service. We apologize for any inconvenience.

                    This high demand might explain well the current delay in validation



                      A quick update.

                      Data has now started to come through having first received some last Thursday and then nothing until yesterday.

                      Already it is proving most valuable in providing data I just did not know how to (or did not have the time to) interpret from the logs I received previously.

                      I have already identified some excellent new keywords together with some alternative search sources that are providing excellent conversions.

                      The only thing that does not appear to be working (form me at least) at the moment is the integration of the Adwords data as all my data is showing organic visits rather than CPC visits - I have raised this with Google and will report back when and if I get an answer. Anyone else also having this issue?

                      Has anyone yet managed to successfully set up the e-commerce tracking to get actual £ values on conversions?

                      If so I would love to hear from you as being pretty much a novice at this that is the bit that really does phase me - the rest of the set up has been doddle so far - with some kind help from a number of you - thank you.


                      For all your car, motorcycle and marine care, cleaning and detailing products.


                        Same issue here with regards to the integration of AdWords data.

                        One thing I havn't worked out yet is adding the e-commerce code that is needed for the e-commerce reports. It needs to be added to the receipt page and requires quite a lot of detail, you can see the instructions here

                        Is there a way to pull out that level of detail in the receipt page? The totals and delivery details aren't a problem but there's no way that I can see to get the line info.

                        Edit: Is there any way to edit the template that is used to generate NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERDETAILS? Only way I can think to get this to work is to modify the template so that it builds up a javascript array with the details and then creates the conversion code on the fly.
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                          Ecommerce Tracking - more thoughts, well actually, questions...

                          Originally posted by Kev@Flexi.Net
                          One thing I havn't worked out yet is adding the e-commerce code that is needed for the e-commerce reports. It needs to be added to the receipt page and requires quite a lot of detail, you can see the instructions here
                          Here's some things I'm pondering about the e-commerce bit....
                          1. Presumably the item details (UTM:I records) can be left out if you just want the order total - this data's just being parsed, after all? I'm really only interested in order total and order number at this stage.

                          2. Does Google need the total formatted for HTML, CGI, or ACTINICORDERTOTAL in pence? (Described in 'Supporting an Affiliate Program in Actinic' in the AUG) Or is there another NETQUOTEVAR that puts in the decimal point....?

                          3. In fact, does anyone have a convenient map of the Google square-bracket parameters to NETQUOTEVARs available in order04? ( They are [order-id] = THEORDERNUMBER |[affiliation]|[total] - see above |[tax]| [shipping]|[city]|[state]|[country] ).

                          4. The 'onload' in the <BODY> tag - there's already a NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD, which I believe relates to loading frames if used in your Actinic store - if you're not working in frames, can this simply be replaced by the Google onload instruction, or does the instruction to run the Google __utmSetTrans() function need to be added somewhere in the Act_FrameLoad.html template (i.e. inside the Actinic-created onLoad() javascript function)?

                          5. Am I right in thinking that you can't distinguish between pages 1-4 of the checkout within Google Goals, as they all have the same URL, cgi-bin/ ? This would mean you can't distinguish between (a) someone getting to order01 and leaving, and (b) someone going through to receipt - in both cases they have reached your goal url. I suppose if you can get the conversion value set up in order04, then you'll know whether or not the goal converted to a value....

                          Did any of that make sense? Re-reading it, it all sounds like gibberish!

                          By the way, if you're only interested in conversions from CPC, you can add code to your receipt page which enables conversion tracking from within Adwords (it's cross-channel, too, not just for Adwords).... although you do end up with a link to Google on your receipt page....
                          Neil Rabbitts
                          Out of the Hat Ltd

                 - personalised gifts and more


                            Originally posted by outofthehat
                            5. Am I right in thinking that you can't distinguish between pages 1-4 of the checkout within Google Goals, as they all have the same URL, cgi-bin/ ? This would mean you can't distinguish between (a) someone getting to order01 and leaving, and (b) someone going through to receipt - in both cases they have reached your goal url. I suppose if you can get the conversion value set up in order04, then you'll know whether or not the goal converted to a value....
                            The following seems to work for us:-


                            You might have to change os000003 to os000001 in this to make it work for you.

                            This is the receipt page and should record the actual orders placed

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                              Have now received this from Google team but still not quite sure where I must be going wrong with not having my Adwords stats appearing as I have successfully installed the Analystics tracking code to be able to be seeing the other data.

                              Hello Robert,

                              I am writing with further information about the difficulty you are experiencing with your AdWords advertising.

                              If you find that your AdWords CPC is currently not being imported, we would like to ask you to double-check the following two items:

                              1) The Google Analytics code snippet: The code installed on the pages needs to be copied from the Google Analytics account.

                              In order for the AdWords cost data to be automatically imported, the new Google Analytics version of the code snippet needs to be installed on the pages. If you are currently using your old Urchin code snippet, Google Analytics will still be able to track your website usage, but it will not be able to automatically import the AdWords cost data. You can find the new version of the code by clicking the 'Check Status' link next to the appropriate profile on your Analytics Settings page.

                              2) The "import cost data" option: This option needs to be checked in the profile settings.

                              Please ensure that the 'apply cost data' checkbox is selected (Analytics Settings > Profile settings > Edit profile information). Should this box not yet be selected, please check it and save the new profile settings. The tracking should then start.

                              I hope this is helpful. However, if you encounter further difficulty please just let me know.

                              We look forward to providing you with the most effective advertising available.


                              The Google UK AdWords Team
                              For all your car, motorcycle and marine care, cleaning and detailing products.

