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Do you lose pages when changing PC

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    Do you lose pages when changing PC


    I have bought Actinic Catalog on behalf of my customer to create his site on.

    But he wants to make any further updates on his own PC and keep track of orders.

    My question is this: How do we transfer any folders/files that I have already created onto his PC? Is there a way of getting it off the internet or saving to CD?

    Sorry to sound like a muppet, but this is really bugging me.

    Thanks in advance,

    He can import a snapshot you have exported from your PC or you could copy the entire site1 folder and send over. There is no way to retreive a site from the published web back into Actinic as Actinic compiles the pages with the templates and database which is not published to the web server.

    Best to make sure you are both working on the same version number before he imports any data as it could corrupt and it is back to you again.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Basically, you want to pass the entire site over to his computer for him to take control. There are (at least) two ways.

      1) The Actinic way. Use the Snapshot facility (File /Snapshot / Export) to make a single snapshot file. Put snapshot onto a CD, Memory Stick or email to client. Client installs same version of Actinic on their PC. Then does File / Snapshot / Import. Now they have the same site as you had.

      2) The other way. Copy / Paste all info in Housekeeping / Security into a textfile - save this file in Site1. Copy all of Site1 onto a CD, or whatever. Client installs same version of Actinic on their PC. Exit Actinic. Delete the freshly created demo Site1. Copy CD Site1 into its place. Start Actinic, go Housekeeping / Security and paste in the info you saved earlier.

      In both cases things are much easier if all images, additional files, etc are in Site1 (or in sub-folders of Site1). Having images in (e.g.) My Documents will complicate things as the path to these images will probably be different depending on user names, etc on the other system.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

