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Discounts on Components, doesnt work does it?

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    Discounts on Components, doesnt work does it?

    Hi All,

    Got a sickly feeling that this problem is gonna turn into a 'mare' for me.

    Got a product in my store which is included in a discounted product group for which I offer a 40% discount. When adding this product to the basket appropriate discount kicks in - no problems.

    Got a product in my store with a optional component which is linked to the associated product in the discount group. When adding the product and the optional product to the basket the discount is NOT applied even though that product is in the discounted product group

    Now am I missing something here or is this a fundamental flaw in the program if so there surely must be a workaround.

    Any help much appreciated.

    It sounds like you have the setting as product only.

    You will need to set the Pricing model at the bottom of the product/general tab to Sum of product and component.

    Ph: 0845 838 1 839
    Skype: GiftsLine

