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Width and Depth input

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    Width and Depth input


    I have been try to test having input columns / boxes for the customers to input. Reason is the company will be selling curtains online. Made to measure.

    I have searched the forum and can only find posts that are over 2 years old. I have version 7 of actinic, so can anyone help me how to do this.


    If you take a look in the Advanced User Guide (download from the main Actinic website) there is the ability to have 2 other info prompts which you could set up for width and length accordingly for the user to input their own sizes.

    If the sizes are a fixed option you could set up a couple of attributes with choices in drop down boxes for the width and length accordingly.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks for replying.

      What I need is 2 boxes for depth and width then these figures inputted from customer multiplied together to get the square dimensions then this figure multiplied by the price per sq cm.

      I have read the adv guide and didnt think that these 2 extra info prompts could do all that, if it does I will try that way as it seems easier than what i am thinking!

      From the posts I found which were dated quite a while ago, it suggested that javascript would be needed to do these calculations, has version 7 changed all that ?

      And sizes arent fixed, vary between 1cm and up to 500+cm so that would equal alot of permulations for the price to be worked out.


        Did not realise you needed the input to work a calculation. Norman has written soemthing similar I recall for working out the cost of customised picture framing (length of wood used) ... may be worth contacting him over at to see if it is of use or can be modified to work for your requirements

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          I've done this before for carpets, curtains, pool liners, picture frames, and other "sold by area" products.

          They often require some sort of additional customisation. Feel free to contact me.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Jont: thanks for replying, i wasnt too clear in my first post what I needed!

            Norman: I have sent you an email to see if you can help, thank you

