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Refresh not working Site not updating

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    Refresh not working Site not updating

    For some reason my site is no longer refreshing (and no longer updating when I make changes & preview )and has the refresh button greyed out. I have tried changing the preview from simple to the other formats but get script errors when I do.

    I am attaching 2 screen shots. Hope you can help.

    Many thanks!

    Update..I have restored my original Act_BrochurePrimary.html file and the site is now refreshing in the formats other than the 2 column preview format. I am not getting the script errors either when I change format. However refresh is still greyed out in the 2 column format.

    Any suggestions?
    Attached Files

    The refresh icon only works when you set the Refresh Delay to Manual.

    Internet Explorer produces useless JavaScript error messages. The best way to find out what's really going on is to run Firefox and use it's Tools / JavaScript Console to open a diagnostic window. Now do a preview (Web / Offline Page Preview) and then copy / paste the URL from the IE Preview into Firefox. Tell us what the Console reports.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

