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Issue with Actinic and PayPal payment details

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    Issue with Actinic and PayPal payment details

    Hi - I have just started to use Paypal for the first time.

    The payment details on the receipt received from Paypal shows the following:

    Item/Product Name: DT81AG10000155
    Item/Product Number: DT81AG10000155
    Invoice ID: DT81AG10000155

    Should they all show the Actinic order number or have I done something wrong?

    Been using PayPal for 6 months without any problems and mine all look like yours


      Hi Graham - thanks for the reply. Can anybody else confirm that this is the way that this is supposed to work.

      Does anybody know why the product short description and product reference cannot be passed to Paypal? Can this be modified?


        The only values that are passed on to the PayPal server are the Order Number, Order value and customer details. The interface is such that it requires only these values to pass over. The email that the customer gets on clicking the done button on the receipt page will give them the product details. These will also be available on the downloaded order in your case.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Hi Bruce - thanks for the reply.

          Fair enough that Paypal only needs these fields, but would it not be better from a merchants control point of view if it passed the other fields as well?

          Surely only a minimal amount of coding would be required to make this happen.



            I'd quite like this as a feature for all psps - maybe for the wish list.

            from time to time I've received an payment without the actinic order (normally due to some screw up by me) but if the psp receipt had the item description it would save the embarrassing phone call to the customer to say "Doh, what did you order?"


              Come on Actinic - setup a wish list forum !!


                Point taken,

                Will add both your requests to the wish list.

                Surely only a minimal amount of coding would be required to make this happen.
                It is not a problem to include the info into the PSP form, but what should the Form field name be, which would be recognised by the specific PSP server. I will ask development what they think of this one.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Thanks Bruce


                    Hello all

                    I'd find this an extremely useful feature as well if it's possible please.

                    I manage a store for a client, and run Actinic Catalog on my own PC to retrieve orders etc. My client relies on the e-mail order confirmations generated by Catalog to despatch orders when I'm off. He doesn't run Actinic on his PC, so has no other way of knowing what orders have come in other than these confirmation e-mails.

                    The problem I'm finding with PayPal is that if a customer doesn't click the 'return to merchant' button after making a payment, we don't get the e-mail order confirmation from Actinic (naturally, as the customer didn't return to the site for their receipt, which needs to be done to generate this e-mail I think?).

                    We do get the e-mail order confirmation from PayPal (but unlike the Catalog generated confirmation e-mail) this doesn't include specific order details or customer details.

                    I've set up an auto redirect back to the receipt page of Actinic from PayPal after reading how to do this on this forum. This limits the problem, but only appears to work for customers who pay using their existing PayPal accounts.

                    I've been unable to set up an auto redirect for people who pay by PayPal, but don't have an account with them. These customers are presented with the 'return to merchant' button, but don't always choose to use it, which means we don't always get the Actinic confirmation e-mail.

                    I have a similar problem with another PSP we use (Secure Trading), but was able to modify the payment page on their server with big bold text and a link back to the receipt page, so the problem happens less frequently.

                    I'm not too fond of the PayPal system as there are other issues with it that I've failed to resolve. For example, we regularly get orders marked as pending in Actinic when they have been paid, which means cross checking on a daily basis and manually marking these as paid. PayPal does account for about 35% of our online sales though surprisingly since introducing alongside our other PSP's a few months ago, so it seems to be worth using.

                    Quick question for David and Jo if I may please?

                    Do you get the customer name AND address on your e-mails from PayPal, as the only info I get is the customers name (as well as the transaction ID and order number).

                    Kind Regards



                      Hi Ash - as far as I can remember there is no address on the email.


