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    Site Feedback

    Hello all

    I am close to completion on a site I am doing and would like peoples views, good or bad on the site.

    There are tons of products and sections are getting very long sometimes 40+ products on one page so scrolling down takes a while! Split pages wouldnt go with this site I dont think.

    I was thinking, as the products usually have 3 of the same but in different finishes such as stainless steel, brass and alluminium. If I put in a couple of sub sections on each model it would look better, so sub sections would be stainless steel, aluminium and brass. Would that look good or too many sub sections ?


    I'd like to see some thumbnails of the products on the list down the side, and maybe a very short description. Just saying 'straight' and 'spray' doesn't really say what it is which makes navigating the site quite tricky.

    I'm using a pretty huge screen and it only just fits in my browser window too. If I was using my laptop or a 15" screen the columns down the right hand side wouldn't fit on the page. You either need to adjust the size of the centre column or make the design scalable.

    There is also a random product included in the Hi Fi racks that I don't think is supposed to be in there.

    Hope this helps?


    B&M Design & Advertising Ltd


      Agree with Charles about the section names - they are really meaningless to an outsider - the cube is not a cube.

      You really need a lot more product description text against the products as you are not doing them justice at the moment. The cube range for instance looks very high quality and is priced accordingly but there is nothing to really sell this product to me. Why should I spend £500.00 on a hi-fi rack or AVI stand when I can get one that looks the same in Comet or Dixons? (That is rhetorical as I spend way too much money on hi-fi). What are the benefits. Sound Quality. Performance etc.

      Not sure if you have it (could not see one if there is) but may be worth putting a colour chart on there - whilst beech and silver are obvious colours Zebrano and Wenge are probably not

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        I clicked on the credit card logos and the paypal js page popped up but your homepage changed to something strange - just said [object].

        Otherwise the site looks nice and clean but like Jont and others I don't know what the section names mean and I would need more convincing to part with that kind of money. I think you need some more info about yourself to make me feel confident to purchase - an 0870 number might be better than (or be used as well as) a mobile contact number.



          One thing that I noticed you are only accepting payment by paypal, doing this you are restricing your possible customer based immensly

          I would also remove the question box in the payment page which says

          What was your reason for buying?

          I never did understand why that was their.
          David Mawson
          Phoenix Trading

 - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


            Thanks for the quick comments!

            davie_ne1: We do only accept by paypal but this accepts credit / debit cards from non paypal account holders and also customers with paypal accounts. Should there be any other payment options you can recommend ?

            Questions during checkout, forgot about changing them, thanks

            drounding: I had noticed that error happening with the paypal logo but unsure how to fix this, if anyone has suggestions please let me know. Also the number idea is good and I have already suggested this to the client, they are looking at the services from a company called dmclub that offer 08.. numbers.

            Charlesn and jont: I am not sure what to do with the list on the left, they are just make and model, similar to having like Hard Drives as bold writing then underneath Maxtor, western digital etc.

            If you click on the name it then goes to the section and there is a short description and pic at the top of this page.

            I agree with all the comments regarding more description of the products instead of just a/v racks etc, I have asked for mree info from the client to see if can add more descriptions.

            The random item has now gone, that was testing the payments worked, forgot to remove after tests had been completed

            The web site does resize down to 1024 x 768 but 800 x 600 I cant seem to get to work. Any ideas?

            Thanks all for the comments, keep them coming


              RE: paypal

              sorry I was under the impression that you had to register with paypal and then verify your account before you made a payment with a credit card

              but on checking on the paypal website I see now that you can use a credit card for payment without registering.

              you learn something new every day
              David Mawson
              Phoenix Trading

     - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


                Ideally it's best to have a proper merchant arrangement with a well known bank for accepting credit cards (you will see many mentioned in this forum), but if your client doesn't have one then I would recommend signing with Nochex and offer this as option as well - we take more sales through nochex than paypal. many people asscoiate paypal with ebay which may not suit your image or prospective customers.

                Duncan R


                  WorldPay also seem to get a lot of thumbs up

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    Cheers, will check out nochex and worldpay. Also gonna checkout the HSBC one as well as I have seen this mentioned.

                    Nobody has mentioned the tons of products on some pages where you have to scroll down for a few mins to get to the bottom, do you think i should change this ?



                      I think those long pages are going to be problem. They loaded fast for me but might not for many people.

                      More importantly the question is; How is the prospect going to know which options or sizes there are without having to scroll all the way through them all?

                      You might want to consider embedding some links and references into your section description at the top to jump to the product labels.

                      Duncan R


                        Well the products on that example there are 11 individual products. But as the client wants them set out seperately with aluminium, stainless steel and brass, the products are duplicated 3 times making 33 products.

                        2 options i thought of was:

                        1. Making sub sections of aluminium, stainless steel, brass which takes you to the same products but you are noly shown the revelant products, ie click stainless steel you get just the stainless steel products which would be 11 products.


                        2. Swap the order of products round, so that aluminium is first, then stainless steel then brass and do like you say have links at the top which will scroll down to the beginning of the aluminium / stainless steel / brass products.


                          If it was me I would be to do both.
                          Make subsections to reduce the number of products - but also include links because the product pictures look very technical and very similar.


                          Edit - how about some colour coding perhaps?


                            I think the drawn images of stands that cost over £500 is of poor quality and does not give the right impression

                            I suggest you try Normans add on Dynamic Product Images that can be viewed at my site


                            You must Must have good quality photo's for this high value site and it should be up to your customer or supplier to supply them

                            The repetition of each item three times is likely to send people away from the site, it would look much better using componants and attributes along with dynamic images
                            Chris Ashdown


                              Norman's Dynamic Product Images works a treat on your site - I need to look into that for my next update after xmas.

                              Duncan R

