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Quantity of components

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    Quantity of components

    Im trying to figure out how to control the quantity of a component. The product is a sensor with 3 meter built-in cable. I wish to add a selection, say 5m, 10m and 20m cable. This of couse changes the price. This is how i would like it: (Product price + (choice price*quantity))*quantity=Total price

    How can i do this?


    go product / componant / attribute

    Enter the three choices like

    3mt cable
    5 mt cable +£1.50
    7mt cable +£2.00

    go back to componants and select permutations click on + button and select say 3mtr then componant price and also select the product

    for 5 mt change the componant price to override and in the next colum put in the value £1.50 rest the same

    go back to product and in the general section change to sum of componant and product
    Chris Ashdown


      Set up the lengths as hidden products with the prices and associate the products into the components setting the default pricing model against the product as "Sum of Product and Component Prices" .. that way if the prices of the cable change you just alter the hidden product and all the components update also.

      In the permutations tab set the pricing to be "associated product"

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

