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Help regarding Discount on Components please

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    Help regarding Discount on Components please

    Hi All,

    I apologise this is my second post on this subject but here goes.

    I have a product which has an optional associated product. This associated product features elsewhere in my store and is a member of a discount product group which receives a 40 % discount.

    The problem I have is when the product and the associated item are added to the cart the discount is not being given on the associated product even though it is a member of a discount group?

    I would have assumed that any product in a discount group wherever used in the store would as default apply the discount.

    Any help greatly appreciated have farmed this out to actinic but apprently the geezer in India is on the phones this morning and wont be able to look at it until at least this afternoon - now that's what I pay my developer cover for eh!

    Hi John,

    This was answered here ..

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

