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Static Links in Templates

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    Static Links in Templates

    Hey guys,

    Basically i have added some static links into the Act_primary template to help the store remain united with the other non-commerce pages. This all works fine in general.

    So, for instance i have a link to ../recycling.htm which goes back out of the /acatalog/ folder into the root.

    However, if you login to the store, the simple link shown above becomes
    So when you click it you end up in the /cgi-bin/ folder, meaning all the links to the images are completely wrong, i have tried uploading the required images to a /cgi-bin/images/ folder but they refuse to show through a browser. I'm assuming there is some server setting somewhere which sets what files the cgi-bin folder can display? Any chance of me setting this to allow the images? Or, fixing the way static links are used once a user is logged in.

    Thanks in advance guys. Andy

    EDIT// it shortened the link, so i stuck it in a code block

    Can't you simply write the full link instead of keeping it relative? For example, rather than ../recycling.htm?
    Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more


      well, its painfully obvious (how did i not think of it?!), and not very pretty (when we move servers i will have to change the links manually) but, it works!

      So kermy i thank you very much!

      Sure i will find another problem soon, so i shall be back. Cheers!


        So long as the URL remains the same the links will be fine when you move servers. If changing URL you can simply open the template into say Dreamweaver and do a find and replace on the domain name (not forgetting and redirects to help the search engines)

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          well, yeah the URL will change, we are on a testing sub domain at the mo, will be going across to the real URL. Not a problem though, find & replace will get the job done with not too mcuh hassle. Cheers guys.

