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Security error when downloading orders

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    Security error when downloading orders


    We are using WorldPay and we are getting the following error when downloading orders.

    An error occurred while reading a Payment Service Provider Authorisation.

    The file may have been corrupted in transfer from the server. Abort will cancel the download operation and leave the unprocessed PSP files on the web. Retry will try to transfer the file again. If you choose to ignore this error, the PSP file will be lost. If you ignore this error, the associated order MO28BY10000009, will be modified to have a payment method of "Send Credit Card Details Separately" and a status of "Waiting for CC Details."
    The advice we had from Louise in WorldPay (she asked me to mention her name so Actinic would know who I spoke to) was to re-enter our secret key and upload the site again.

    She explained that the reason this error is happening is that Actinic is using the wrong key to decrypt the payment confirmation information returned by WorldPay, and that Actinic sometimes seems to "loose" the secret key. Hence the advice to re-enter the secret key and upload.

    However, this has not solved the problem.

    Any ideas?


    Hi Timi

    Try this



      The solution was eventually to get WorlPay to re-issue our secret key. This solved the problem. And it appears to have worked for other people as well - so maybe Actinic should include this as a suggested solution in the Knowledge Base.


