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PayPal Account Optional

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    PayPal Account Optional

    Hi all,

    I'm a newbie here, but I'll soon be launching my first Actinic Catalog store.
    I've just uploaded a test catalog and everything has gone well.

    However, when I check out, I wanted my buyers to use PayPal but not to have to create a PayPal account. I have the correct setting set in PayPal, but when I test the checkout system, I get sent to PayPal and it seems to want to force me to create an account if I don't already have one (just like the bad old days!)

    I know for a fact that this works ok in the UK as I have used it in developing e-commerce sites in the past.

    Is it a problem with the way Actinic "talks" to PayPal, or is there some setting somewhere?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Delete your cookies and try again. We've seen this happen when the computer has been used previously to purchase with a paypal account.

    Duncan R


      Hi, thanks for the prompt reply but I don't think thats it.

      The reason being when I go to other non actinic e-commerce sites I have created on the same computer that also use PayPal's Account Optional feature, I am not forced to create a PayPal account.

      It only seems to be when I use the Actinic site.



        Just to follow up, I have also just got someone who has never ever paid for anyting with PayPal on their computer to go through the checkout process from the Actinic site and they too are forced to create a PayPal account.


          We have been getting quite a few complaints with regards to PayPal over the last few weeks, with ordes coming in as pending although the payment has been received by PayPal etc.,let me run this by development to see what they have to say.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Hi All,

            Can you check a few settings on your PayPal setup...

            Log in to paypal, Click the profile subtab

            Click the website payment preferences link in the selling preferences column
            Scroll down to the paypal account optional section

            Select On

            Click Save

            This should mean that all customers are presented with a quick to use card entry screen as soon as they go through to paypal.

            Aslo check, if the following settings is On:

            Instant Payment Notification (IPN) 'On', in Instant Payment Notification Preferences section.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King

