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Price display and discount questions

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    Price display and discount questions

    Hello there,

    1-Does anyone know how not to display a certain currency only for a certain section. ( I display pounds and dollars prices for all products but a manufactuRer asked me not to display it for their products because of the aggreement with their own reseller in the US)
    2-Same question regarding discounts, how not to apply the general discounts (10% if total order over £350) to certain product which are over 350 pounds already...

    The website is I ma using Catalog 7.

    Thanks for your help,
    Men's Jewellery & Titanium Watches and Jewellery


    The first part will not be possible as the prices in both currencies are applied globally and cannot be restricted on a particular section.

    2-Same question regarding discounts, how not to apply the general discounts (10% if total order over £350) to certain product which are over 350 pounds already...
    This will only be possible if you have Business or Developer versions of the software, as there you will be able to create a Product group and then add the products you want to offer the discount on into the group.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      It should be possible to disable the second currency on certain Products only. It would require a custom Product Template (used for these products only) that passes the Price HTML through a bit of JavaScript that strips the second currency. You'd still see 2 currencies in the Search Results and Cart but that may be a minor niggle.

      Contact me by e-mail if you're interested.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks a lot for both replies..
        In the advanced manual, it tells you how to show dual currencies on the store pages but not in the cart. Is it possible to do the opposite?
        Thanks a lot, Nicolas
        Men's Jewellery & Titanium Watches and Jewellery


          I think that was what Norman was telling you. Drop him a mail to see if he can do something for you. You will have to use a custom or seperate Act_ProductLine.html Template for the products on which you want to show only the single currency. If you go to you should be able to get in touch with Norman else you can mail him through the community.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King

