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Javascript popup url

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    Javascript popup url


    I've got a javascript popup url in my primary template.
    I'm using this same template on both my product pages and checkout pages, however the popup only works from the product pages.

    Could anyone suggest why this may be happening?

    The link from the product pages is correct as coded in the template:
    HTML Code:
    However on the checkout pages it changes to:
    HTML Code:
    I can't figure out why this is happening when both pages should be using the same template
    <a href="">RF Solutions Ltd - Remote Control, Bluetooth, Zigbee, RFID, GSM and GPS Products</a>

    On the CGI generated pages, Actinic tries to adjust links to point them to the acatalog folder. Try obfuscating your URL and see if that fixes it. E.g.
    <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('ht' + 'tp:/' + '/cic.' + '',800,800);" class="navlink">KNOWLEDGE  BASE</a>
    P.S. Nice to see my NorCascade donationware on your site. I wasn't aware of that one.

    P.P.S. Best look at your site in Firefox, with Tools / JavaScript console set. This will show up many CSS errors.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      I've tried that, unfortunately it has not fixed it. Now the link on the checkout pages comes up as

      HTML Code:
      javascript:ShowPopUp('' + 'tp:/' + '/cic.' + '',800,800);
      Maybe I will need to use a different template for my checkout pages and remove the link altogether.
      <a href="">RF Solutions Ltd - Remote Control, Bluetooth, Zigbee, RFID, GSM and GPS Products</a>


        Perhaps it's because the ShowPopUp routine is an Actinic one, and the script knows that and munges the 1st parameter. Try duplicating the ShowPopUp routine in actiniccore.js and give it a different name, then call that name instead.

        If that still fails then try not using an <a ...></a> tag at all. E.g.
        <img src="kb.gif" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="ShowPopUp('ht' + 'tp:/' + '/cic.' + '',800,800);">
        PS are you aware that NorCascade is Donationware?
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Hi Norman,

          Thanks I duplicated the routine and that worked.

          PS. I could donate to you the code for our knowledge base if you like?
          <a href="">RF Solutions Ltd - Remote Control, Bluetooth, Zigbee, RFID, GSM and GPS Products</a>

