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Different Section lists for product/ supplier etc

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    Different Section lists for product/ supplier etc

    It it possible to have different lists that rae generated from thr main product list.
    I currently have one list of all my products. Can I generate a list so that a customer can find all products by a particular supplier.
    I am currently using best seller theme.

    Can you not create new sections for the suppliers and duplicate the products in?

    If you have lots of suppliers may be better to create a master "supplier" section and put the actual suppliers in as sub-sections so as not to make the navigation list too long and confusing

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Im looking to generate a seperate list that customers can click onto and select from a list of suppliers. This supplier list would then show all their products available under seperate groups



        I have a similar thing on mine. On my home page i have all the logos of manufacturers we deal with (about 40). If any of those are clicked they illustrate to the customer all products we sell from that manufacturer.

        I created my catalogue, once complete and up to date, i then "pasted as duplicate" the products into each manufacturers section. I created a "manufacturers" section in my shop and then had each manufacturer as a sub-section. Into these sub section lists put your products, when your customer selects the particular manufacturer, they see all products from that one.


          Could you send your shop address so I can take a look to see if thats what I am after.


            Hi Zippy

            Im working on it at the mo, but you will still get the effect.

            My home page is If you scroll to the bottom you will see logos of all our manufacturers we deal with.

            Locate the "HPI Racing" logo and click on it and it will take you into the manufacturers secion on actinic, in which HPI Racing is a sub-section. I have manually copied duplicate products into the "HPI Racing" sub-section, so someone can either find the model using the normal method (car & truck kits), or they can search via manufacturer only and see only those manufacturers products.

            Only the HPI one is populated as im working on it at the mo. Ive just uploaded actinic so the HPI section has some products in it (for you to see). If you click on any of the other logos, you will go to a page where there are no products, however you will catch the drift as these will have products in them, once ive duplicated the relevant products.


              This is exactly what I want to do... but I can't access the site in the URL above.

              Has anyone else successfully managed to do this?

              Ideally I want two Javascript drop down menus - one for product ranges and the other for manufacturers. Would one of Noman's menu's work for this?


              Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
              SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
              Based in rural Northants


                I guess what I'm asking is "can I have 2 javascript dropdown menus - one with half of my sections on, and the second with the other half". Is this possible?

                Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                Based in rural Northants


                  This (as everyone above seems to be saying) is simply achieved by splitting your catalog into two top-level Sections - By Product and By Manufacturer. One of these contains all your products and the other all the duplicates, in whatever set of sub-sections that suit.

                  You can use this with JavaScript Menus and would only need one as you could display the top 2 entries one above (or beside) the other.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    Sorry Norman - I feel I 'm being a bit dense here.

                    I understand about having 2 catalog sections - one for manufacturers with one subsection for each manufacturer and one for products with one subsection for each product category.

                    I haven't grasped how to produce a javascript drop down menu that only contains the manufacturer subsections and another one that only contains the product subsections.

                    I've read the manuals - honest - several times, but the penny hasn't dropped yet.


                    Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                    SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                    Based in rural Northants


                      Lets say you have 2 top-level sections, each of which contains a set of sub-sections, etc. And you're using <!--@act NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTREE_RAW --> to load the section structure, then in whatever JavaScript you want to use just do something like

                      // Drop down 1 code


                      // Drop down 2 code

                      as each of these simply works like the entire tree but starting 1 branch down.

                      You can test this by putting

                      <script language=Javascript1.2>


                      <script language=Javascript1.2>

                      into 2 different places in Act_Primary.html
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                        Thanks Norman

                        At the second time of trying, I have understood and now achieved it!


                        All I need to do now is to figure out how to stop the top level sections appearing in the main body of the page and/or move the fragment above the sections.

                        Thanks for your help Norman


                        Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                        SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                        Based in rural Northants


                          Are there any options for doing the above without javascript to make the menus search engine friendly. I understand how to do it with top level sections only as per another thread, but what about sections and subsections? I want to have three menu lists; product by category, product by brand, and product by supplier.



                            Afraid not. It's either the static top-level links or the JavaScript structures.

                            As long as you let Actinic maintain a Site Map and make a link to it in your Primary Templates, you have all the navigation needed to let engines find all your pages.
                            Norman -
                            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                              Actually, there is another way.

                              If you have PHP you could pass your pages through a script that reads the Act_Section_tree.js file as data, extracts the names and links and writes these out as plain HTML. Tricky job, though.
                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

