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Checkout page

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    Checkout page

    Hi, I'm having trouble editing the way my cart and checkout pages look. The information they display is fine, but the way they are layed out is abit too wide for the design of my site and at the moment the customer would have to scroll down considerably far. I was wondering if theres a way to reduce the width of the checkout and cart at all. At the moment on the cart page my side navigation bar has been removed from the checkout and cart pages but I'd prefer that it stayed there allowing them to get back to shopping quickly after checking their cart . If you would like a look at the way it's layed out at the moment head on over to and use the username: other and the password: 156548 add something into your cart and take a look at the checkout pages. I'd really appreciate if someone could help as we're almost ready to go live.

    Also if there's anything you can suggest to improve our site or things we're missing your opinion is appreciated.


    Edit: Ok I've managed to change the width etc. of the part that contains product descriptions etc. I cant find the template that controls the part of the checkout and cart Where the confirm cancel and checkout now buttons are. Does anyone know what template i need to edit to changed the width of this?

    try editing Act_PrimaryCheckout.html

    your site looks really great by the way!!


      Originally posted by infobuster
      try editing Act_PrimaryCheckout.html

      your site looks really great by the way!!
      Thanks alot, I've edited the act_primarycheckout.html and also the act_shoppingcartxml.html and that's seemed to do. We've decided to settle with the layout for now as it looks fine untill you proceed to the chekout but we're going to leave the nav bar off that page.

      The troubles we're having now is using a box on the sidebar telling them how many items are in the cart, the value and having two links to goto the cart or checkout. We can add things fine to the cart, but as soon as we click view cart or go to checkout it tells us the cart is empty is there an NQV i can use to display these links?


        found this thread through searching for the same problem.

        but you need to check your site in firefox as it does not resemble the same site that IE displays.

        here is a screenshot for you incase you do not have FF installed.
        Attached Files

