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Exempt gift vouchers from p&p?

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    Exempt gift vouchers from p&p?

    We're trying to crack the conundrum of gift vouchers! The only way we can see is for customers to buy them as a product, we email them in PDF format (each with a unique activation code). They email or print them out, put inside a card and send/give to the recipient.

    Recipient places order - we telephone them for activation number and keep a log book of redeemed vouchers.

    P&P is a problem and no matter how much thinking outside the box we do, we can't get our heads round it and we're not programmers! It would make sense to us to make purchasing the voucher p&p free. So if a customer buys only a voucher, they pay only the face value - if they buy other goods as well, they pay p&p on the goods.

    When the recipient redeems the voucher - they pay the p&p and for anything extra they've bought.

    We use flat rate p&p for all orders - question is, can we make only gift vouchers somehow bypass or not have p&p on them when going through check out? The only other way is to make them available for telephone purchase only but this seems a bit stupid since other sites seem to manage this no problem.

    P&P must come into play somewhere - otherwise some smart***e will just keep buying themselves gift vouchers so they never have to pay it on their own purchases! How on earth do others deal with this?

    (p.s - have checked all other threads before posting this - customer accounts/coupon codes are obviously not an option since people redeeming vouchers aren't necessarily going to want to have to set up an account just to get their gift!).

    Collective heads hurting - what on earth do other people do - there must be a way................ regards, Helen

    Hi Helen

    The one way I see to get around this is to set Shipping based on weight, assign an explicit weight of zero to the gift vouchers, and in View| Business| Shipping and Handling, set up a row of Zero weight = Zero cost.

    Now when customers purchase the vouchers, no shipping charges will be applied to them.

    Hope this helps.
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Hi Krithika

      We must have had a simultaneous light bulb moment - sometimes you just can't see the wood for the trees then all of a sudden have a moment of clarity!

      We've got a bit of a mixed bag on our site as for several years we were using weight based shipping so set up weights on every product - then about a year ago we switched to flat rate so from that point on stopped putting weights on.

      So we'll set up a band for weights 0.00 to say 50kg to catch all current site products with a shipping rate of £2.95 and give gift vouchers a ridiculous weight of say 500kg with a shipping rate of £0.00 - hopefully we'll have cracked it!!

      Thanks for your help though - good to know that somebody else has had the same thought!

      Regards - Helen


        Helen - be careful using the high weight on the voucher as is soemone orders a voucher and a product the weight will be in the free shipping zone. Best to do as Krithika suggest as set the weight at 0kg = £0.00 so any products are then billed appropriately.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



          Thought of that just after posting! Dag nammit - for a year now we've been using flat rate shipping so haven't been putting in any weights so I presume these are all defaulted to zero anyway (can't check at the moment as I'm not on the catalogue maintenance pc).

          If so, setting up vouchers with a default weight of zero won't work unless we change a year's worth of products to have a weight (even if the weight is an irrelevance so far as the flat rate shipping is concerned). For Pete's sake, we switched to flat rate to get away from all this palaver!

          There's always a flipping fly in the ointment isn't there - the amount of work we've had to do this year to get actinic compatible with QB link has been insane. Now the thought of having to amend thousands of products to have a weight just to operate something as "simple" as gift vouchers is enough to make you give up!

          I know this subject has been raised many times over the years in various threads - come on Actinic, do something about it please!!! I'm sure like many others, operating such a scheme would be a valuable source of income as well as attracting potential new customers and we want to operate it through our webstores for both purchasing and redeeming.

          I'm very grumpy now

          Better put the thinking cap on again.............. thanks guys for your input, will come back if my brain has enough strength for another wave! Regards - Helen


            Aha : View | Buisiness Settings | Shipping & Handling | Default Weight ... set to your default weight for products so you don't have to put against each product except for vouchers where you enter 0kg

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Hi Jont

              Thanks for coming back after my little tantrum! Good to get a blast off once in a while though, albeit directed at nobody - just blowing in the wind.

              I've had a bit of a play with your suggestion since getting back to the site pc and if actinic recognises defaults in the way I hope, then by jove I think we've cracked it!

              As mentioned previously, our site is a mixed bag. We've got older products with weights, and newer products with no weights entered.

              When I switch from flat rate shipping to weight based, all the older products with their weights pop back to life. All the newer products with no weights come up with "nothing" in the weight box as expected.

              Presumably leaving the default weight to 0.25kg as it is, this will not treat the "blank" boxes as zeros?

              But when I set up the gift certificates specifically with a weight of 0.00 it will recognise the difference and not default it?

              PLEASE let this be right! Regards - Helen


                If the product weight field is left blank at the product level it will take on the default weight you set under Business settings - so long as you set the voucher to 0.00kg then the rest will be OK whether you have a weight set or not (assuming you have no products set with 0kg elsewhere?)

                Note you may need to re-check the bandings in the shipping chart now you are going back to weight rather than flat-rate to ensure nothing has changed in the interim

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  Hi Jont - bless your little cottons. I think you've really helped us to finally get this sod of a problem sorted out - will start testing straight away!

                  There shouldn't be any products with a default weight of 0.00 unless somewhere along the line I've had a brain fart (entirely possible).

                  Once we've sorted it, if we do get an order where this may have happened, at least it highlights the brain fart product which can then be fixed - customer gets a potentially p&p free order and we don't have to spend wasted time searching for rogues as they'll be pinpointed.

                  I've changed the shipping bands to 0.00 weight = £0.00 - and 0.25 = £2.95 - don't quite know how this will display until I've done the upload (what another windbag that is).

                  Anyhoo - your help is much appreciated. Thanks so much - and I will report back and keep you informed - this is such an important issue!

                  Regards and MUCH RESPECT - Helen



                    Despite all the very helpful input, I've finally conceded defeat on this one!

                    After 2 days of fannying around with this in the little time I have, no matter what I do (following advice, AUG, infinitum to grave) I seem to be stuck in a perpetual Vicky Pollard form of hades - yeah but no but yeah but no giving me evils.....!!

                    Since you can't preview any of the check out process offline, I've been making changes as suggested, twiddling my thumbs while actinic does all its fluffing and refreshing then testing it.

                    In the meantime, orders are coming through with no p&p at all when there should be, we're getting telephone calls, emails etc because customers are getting funky messages.... what a nightmare actinic's weight based shipping has become!

                    There is no "good" time to make these changes and test them - over the last 2 days I've tried all hours of the night and day but it takes so long for each refresh, you're sat with your arse dangling in the wind while trying to upload a corrected version (or go back to flat rate to be safe!) - so incorrect orders/queries/complaints come in anyway!

                    So the upshot is I've switched back to simple shipping with appropriate BOLD notes on the gift certificate products that if they are ordered on their own, p&p will be deducted prior to processing but if ordered with other products then p&p will apply.

                    I am so dejected - I came SO close to cracking this SO many times. What a real F****R. So we've kind of reached a roundabout solution, but it's not ideal because as you all know, customers are text blind and don't read things properly so we'll get abandoned carts because they think they're getting charged p&p on top of their gift voucher.... and customers will telephone and email to "be sure"........

                    Not grumpy anymore, just deflated - best regards to all as usual - Helen


                      If the default weight is set at 0.25kg try setting the bands as

                      0.00kg = £0.00
                      0.24kg = £2.95

                      tick "take highest value in table" just beneath the above table ... thereby anything weighing in at 0.25kg is over the band and will only get charged out at £2.95

                      fingers crossed....

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        Hi Jont

                        Your little cottons must be "daz white and beyond" by now!! All sins purged and you must be in credit!

                        What I tried was setting up weights with 0.00 = £0.00 (exclusive to gift certificate products only).

                        I tried 0.25 (the default actinic weight) = £2.95 and that didn't work so tried 0.01 = £2.95 and that works sometimes but not all the time.

                        Obviously I will try your suggestion and see how that works.

                        Going back to weight based shipping is revisiting a n'ere forgotten nightmare - I think this is probably the root of the problem. It wants to know about zones/classes - eff me, I finally released myself from those shackles 12 months ago!

                        Do not want to go back to trying that again (proof in point over the last 2 days I've failed miserably!).

                        Actinic can be such hard work sometimes - but your continued support and input is much appreciated.

                        I very much doubt that I'll be able to repay the favour (in business maybe) on actnic (NOT ) - but thanks so much for your help and input.

                        Regards - Helen



                          After having read your post and feeling the frustration coming through, i feel compelled to sort this out for you.

                          I am 100% sure this can be done.

                          Firstly, answer these:

                          1 - Why are you doing a site refresh? If i change weights on any of my products, i only have to update the site, not refresh. This is hugely quicker.

                          2 - Explain a situation, whereby the p&p charges you want to charge do not calculate correctly, use a real example and give me the shipping bands and the weights on the items that fail.

                          3 - You say flat p&p on all items was implemented, is this per item or per order?

                          4 - Longshot here i know (just building a picture of your situation, as no site address supplied), can you not have p&p free on all items and add the price of p&p to the items that should pay p&p?

                          5 - Don't give up, once this is sorted you will kick yourself.


                            Originally posted by oldhasbeen
                            tried 0.01 = £2.95 and that works sometimes but not all the time.
                            Check the product details of which items are not working - especially the weight box. Is anything different to the products that are working properly? Components?

                            If you have 0.01kg = £2.95 set and "take highest value in table" ticked then any product that is heavier than 0.01kg must be charged at £2.95 - no more no less.

                            As Lee points out there is no need for a full refresh.. a simple upload will suffice as only 1 (possibly a couple more) files are changed when you alter the shipping so will take a minute or two to check the changes are working.

                            If you have different zones and classes set I assume you are setting in the right place and selecting accordingly on the website? Very easy with complex shipping tables

                            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                              Hi Guys

                              Thanks for sticking this out! My brain is just so fuddled at the moment I'm sure I probably am missing something completely obvious!

                              Anyway, before I do any more tinkering - when I say refreshing, what I mean is clicking the blue "up" arrow (update). This takes ages while actinic does all the pre-update checking of files, searching for modified files etc. Once it starts uploading, that only takes seconds for minor changes - you're talking about 10 minutes in total each time (and that's enough time for orders to slip through!).

                              So if you have to do that multiple times just to check what you've done (and change settings in between), the time can soon start stacking up.

                              The ideal scenario I was "trying" to create is:

                              1. Gift vouchers on their own - no p&p
                              2. Gift vouchers with other stuff = p&p of £2.95
                              3. Just stuff - no vouchers = p&p of £2.95

                              Going back to weight based shipping means you then get the horrible zones/classes bit to deal with again - so here's the embarrassing bit! On checkout I created 4 classes with the following text:

                              UK Flat Rate = £2.95
                              UK Guaranteed Service (additional fee payable)
                              Eire (We will contact you with correct shipping)
                              Europe (We will contact you with correct shipping)

                              Each is associated with a zone - UK - UK - Eire - Europe so that I could enter the 2 lines of weights 0.00 = £0.00 - 0.01 = £2.95

                              I didn't have "take highest value in the table" ticked at that point.

                              Basically I don't want any "countries" showing so I presumed setting it up by "class" rather than "zone" was the proper way.

                              As international shipping is based on weight and you can't do mixed shipping on actinic of "simple" for UK only and "weight" for international, I've got to stick with a flat rate of £2.95 showing which applies to the majority of customers with the appropriate notices for international customers.

                              For some reason doing it this way, I would get a dropdown box for "Country" appear with Please Choose/UK/None of the Above - ay?!

                              Anyhoo, while all this was going on - I placed a test order for a voucher and it came through OK with no postage - hurrah I prematurely thought!! But then 2 customers orders came through for "stuff but no vouchers" with no postage on. Quick smart changed back to "simple" shipping. Changed the default weight band of 0.25 = £2.95 to 0.01 = £2.95 - uploaded again. Placed another test order, this time for a voucher plus some stuff - got to check out and started getting horrible red error messages saying that shipping had exceeded the tables and the order could not be progressed, please contact us.....etc. etc. Quick smart changed back to "simple" shipping again!

                              Sorry for appearing to be thick as a brick, but I've really just got myself totally confused on this whole deal. I thought that doing this myself would be simple - boy, did I get that wrong.

                              Anyway, if you want to have a quick look at the site - I want check out to look identical to how it does now, but for the shipping bit to have those 4 options mentioned above (then I can uncheck the box that currently asks if you want a guaranteed service to remove that).

                              Apologies for the length of message - hopefully I've given you a thorough insight into what I've done/what I shouldn't have done and what I'm trying to achieve and failing miserably to do! Please be gentle - it's been a rough few days....... eternally grateful - Helen

