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Make a section/sub-section disappear after a sale !

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    Make a section/sub-section disappear after a sale !

    I have a lot of products (books).
    I have often only one copy of a particular book.
    Once it's sold, I have to manually hide the book/author from my web site. It beginning to be tedious.
    Is there a way to automatically do that ?
    If not, I would like that this function be added to the next version.
    Something like:
    If stock is zero, hide.
    If all products of a section are hide, hide the above section too.

    Thank you !
    Bernard Morin

    Hi Bernard

    Sounds like you could use Mole End's one stop automation programme!

    If you use live stock control on your site, this should automate the process even while you sleep! I don't know too much about the ins and outs of this "complete" programme as it doesn't apply to our business model, but we do use a lot of Mole End's other "one stop" individual plug ins and they are brilliant.

    Jan at Mole End is a complete star - some of her programmes have saved my sanity this year, I kid you not (although no fix yet for the grey hairs acquired from other problems!)

    Top recommend from us!!

    HTH - Regards - Helen

