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Digital Downloads

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    Digital Downloads

    Some background:
    We use digital downloads to distribute free and paid publications (PDF's) but we are experiencing users clicking straight thru the order fulfillment screens before they actually download their publications. We have tried to highlight the issue with the use of big 'Warning text' above the 'Done' button on the last page of the order process.

    Any now for my questions:
    Is there anyway to disable the 'Done' button until all ordered items have been downloaded? Has anybody else experienced this type of problem? Thanks a million in advance.

    User's - God bless them really!!!!


    Is there anyway to disable the 'Done' button until all ordered items have been downloaded?

    Sadly there is no way in HTML to do this sort of thing. The only thing you may be able to do is put a big warning by the button in 'Act_Order04.html'. Don't forget, of course, that the link is also emailed to customers in the receipt email so all is not totally lost if they exit the receipt page prematurely online.

