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Product/Brochure Layout Help Please

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    Product/Brochure Layout Help Please

    On our site -
    all the products are laid out using the best seller template.

    In each case under any section the actual items for sale are in a vertical line with the picture to the right or left, the description next to it and the buy now button

    Is there a way to lay them out in multiple colums of up to 3 or 4 instead of just the one line down so that the description and buy now button are below the picture - that way I could have several products next to each other.

    I've tried searching through the forums and the advanced manuals but everything I try fails !

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Many thanks

    If you want product in columns, see where I've posted a "donationware" patch that does just that.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      re:brochure layout

      Thanks for that - just looked at it but I have just one more question

      Where it says "Make sure you do the above to ALL brochure fragment templates. There are usually 8!"

      Where exactly do I find these brochure fragments please?



        Most sites only use one or two templates but it's best to do them all just in case you use another one later. There will be a list of the Brochure ones in BrochureTemplates.ini - e.g.
        Act_TextOnly.html=Text only
        Act_TextAndTitle.html=Text and title
        Act_ImageOnly.html=Image only
        Act_ImageAndTitle.html=Image and title
        Act_LeftImage.html=Image to left of text
        Act_LeftImageAndTitle.html=Image to left of text and title
        Act_RightImage.html=Image to right of text
        Act_RightImageAndTitle.html=Image to right of text and title
        and the Product ones are in ProductTemplates.ini - e.g.
        Act_ProductLine.html=One product per row, image on left
        Act_ProductLineNew.html=Layout designed for new products
        Act_ProductLineRight.html=One product per row, image on right
        Act_ProductLineLarge.html=Large image on the left
        Act_ProductLineTable.html=No image, laid out in rows
        Act_ProductLineTextOnly.html=Description only, useful for inserting messages
        Act_ProductLineTextAndTitle.html=Product name and description only
        These may vary somewhat depending on the Theme you're using so it's best to look in your own .ini files.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

