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Is shipping being addressed in V8

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    I want to sell products for download - AND - apply shipping charges based on weight (which is pretty standard way of doing things) But Actinic does not support this combination.

    It is possible to charge shipping by weight, and allow free shipping for your digital download products.

    You need to set up your shipping tables as normal in 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling' and then add a new row in the shipping table that charges '£0.00' for an order that weighs '0.00'.

    You can then set the weight as '0.00' for any product (e.g. a digitally downloadable one) that you do not wish to charge shipping on. Anything else will incur a standard shipping charge.


      Originally posted by steveaich
      2)add a free shipping check box to the products so that certain products (such as downloads or vouchers) can be ordered on their own with free shipping, or in a basket of other products with normal shipping.

      I know I'm not alone in needing these upgrades.
      I agree with the above.
      For those who don't ship by weight, this would be a useful feature.


        I have to agree and based upon a comment in email from the Actinic MD about a year ago, am thinking about a source of pork with wings if you get my drift... personally I have been bitching on about shipping for over a year and am considering jumping ship to a competitor as mentioned 'up high' in this thread.

        The problem is that client demand is not filtering through to Actinic Development, we all as users of the software are under pressure to give our clients what they need before someone else does. It was explained to me that Actinic started off as an application and the exponential growth rate meant that in reaction to this growth developers added on items from the wish lists and their job was becoming difficult, which reading between the lines I took to mean that the damn thing is wired like a Christmas Tree and bulbs are going to blow which indicates that perhaps Actinic are a vicitm of their own success due to some perhaps poor decisions early on in the process. It's an easy mistake to make...

        Actinic - what we are asking for here (and I think I speak for most) is not version 9 but rather an Actinic PRO version, a complete restart and rethink of the software which allows us mear mortals to get the shipping criteria we need, the dropship ability with source supplier grouping to calculate shipping charges, online automation of order processing option to compliment drop ship and other uses... If there is a market for others to develop aftermarket systems for Actinic then there is thus a market for Actinic to grasp.

        At my suggestion a dsX type plug-in assembly would be great, you buy the basic software and pay for the additional modules you require, this encourages others to develop new modules and submit them to Actinic under license.

        This is a good suite of products which my staff are familiar with so I'm loathed to change provider, but Actinic you need to listen to your clients and recently... they are speaking up.

        What are you going to do - everyone needs to know as uncertainty equals commercial death, which I am not going to do a "wait and see" ostrich for...


          Many thanks for your comments on this area. We are discussing this area at the moment internally, and will let you know the outcome.
          uncertainty equals commercial death
          Sadly, the problems that are caused by uncertainty are nothing compared the problems encountered when you are promised one outcome and delivered another. I'm afraid I cannot tell you anything until I have absolute assurance that it will be there in the product.


            Originally posted by steveaich
            Actinic! Please, please, please find the time to revise the shipping in V8, there are plenty of threads on this board where people do not have the functionality that is required, it is a major weakness in the product.

            It's all very well being able to design pretty sites, and to encourage the customers to buy more products with upsell, but if we can't ship the bloomin things to them effectively (which means being able to charge the right amount) then what is the bloomin point!

            Specifically we need to be able to

            1) ship by both weight and value and destination, not one or the other.

            2)add a free shipping check box to the products so that certain products (such as downloads or vouchers) can be ordered on their own with free shipping, or in a basket of other products with normal shipping.

            I know I'm not alone in needing these upgrades.
            You are by no means alone !! Every time I try to expand my business, I keep coming up against this same problem.

            We have several needs:
            1. to ship samples for FREE to the UK but charge delivery on them outside UK.
            2. to offer free delivery on UK MAINLAND orders over a certain value but charge either a fixed charge or a charge based on value for all other UK mainland orders.
            3. ideally to be able to vary our UK delivery charges according to postcodes.
            4. to charge delivery on all orders outside UK mainland, based upon either/or/and both weight and volume (i.e. cubic metres, not number of items)

            There are probably more combinations I could do with but these are the essential ones and no matter how many times I try to work a way round Actinic's very restricted options, I seem to come a cropper.

            One simple option, as I think you suggest, would surely be that each product could have its own shipping rate or a tick box such as zero for Free shipping.

            When you look at this Forum and how many threads there are from people really struggling with this subject, surely Actinic MUST provide a MUCH improved solution VERY soon !



              Thanks for all of the input, we are looking at this subject again at the moment.


