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Acatalog directory access rights

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    Acatalog directory access rights

    Hi all,

    I have uploaded my catalog to my web server.

    I have a directory called "acatalog" and the access rights have been set to

    Owner:- rwx
    Group:- rwx
    Public:- rwx

    The permissions were set by Actinic software.

    Is this correct?

    Kind regards


    Those are good settings to start with - equal to 777 on the numeric permissions scale, and should ensure everything goes smoothly on the first uploads. Once everything is uploaded and working, it is possible to reduce the level of permissions.

    The cgi-bin setting should be 755 or rwx, r-x, r-x.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      i'd be careful about setting the permissions to 755.

      doing this means that only the OWNER of the directory can write files in it, group and others cannot. and if the owner is not the uid of the webserver, you'll be in trouble.

      777 is just fine.
      David Camm
      Advanced Web Systems
      Keller, TX


        David - you object to 755 on the cgi-bin?
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          it's not a question of objecting. and maybe we do things differently, but here's the situation.....

          1. actinic programs on the server run as the uid of apache. in our case 'apache'.

          2. since we have several users with catalogs, we do not have a single cgi directory for all actinic scripts (although we COULD by assigning different suffixes).

          3. a user's website contains their up-front stuff, a cgi directory and an acatalog directory.

          4. it's necessary for either us or the user to upload to the cgi and acatalog directories in order to maintain the site.

          5. since 'apache' is a system uid, we don't (a) have a password for it nor (b) would we want copies of actinic to use it for ftp.

          hence, each customer is assigned their own ftp account - chrooted to their space - and the cgi and acatalog directories are 777.

          i suppose we COULD set the group to apache and then have the directories at 775. but......

          on a well-controlled server the chance of just anyone writing to these directories is quite remote.
          David Camm
          Advanced Web Systems
          Keller, TX


            Hi All and thanks for your replies,

            After reading them I am not to sure what the correct permissions should be.

            I have the following:

            site root = 701
            Owner: read, write, execute

            site directory:- acatalog = 701
            Owner: read, write, execute

            site directory:- cgi-bin = 755
            Owner: read, write, execute
            Group: read, execute
            public: read, execute

            The site/store looks as if it is working OK.

            My Question is will the above permission enable customers to complete thier transaction withour any errors.

            Many thank if you could advise.

            Kind regards



              Hi All,

              Does anyone want to comment on this post

              Many thanks



                the correct settingsare

                acatalog = 777

                cgi-bin = 755

