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Upload html error (Newbe)

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    Upload html error (Newbe)


    I need to add text to a html page. The page is located within the actinic site folder. I can open the file in Dreamweaver (The site was originally built in Dreamweaver) without problem and add the text and then save the changes. But when I upload the catalogue the file reverts back to it's original version and discards the revision. Anyone any ideas?

    Merry Christmas

    You need to edit a template for a design change to hold. Take a look in site1 folder for files starting in ACT_

    howerver if the change is for one product only then you will need to ad the text to the product description within the catalog tree.

    please post a URL describing the change you want to make, the n we can offer specific help


      Thanks for the super quick response. I am a real newbie!So I need things really spelling out for me. The following is a link to the page I need to add text to -

      I can find lots of 'Act' files but I don't know which one I need to alter or what I need to do with it.


        The template that controls the entire page ( all catalog pages ) is Act_Primary.html. If you want to add the text so that it only appears for the 'Spares and Accessories' section, then you will need to edit the Section Line template, to do this first check if the section is using a specific template or the parent template, click on the section, then on the layout tab of the section, if it is using a specific template the 'Edit' button will be available to open the template. If the layout display says 'Use Parent', go to Design | Options | Layouts and open from the section link templates area.

        Hope this helps,
        Bruce King

