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Inadvertent multiple orders

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    Inadvertent multiple orders

    I am having an issue with some customers lately making accidental multiple orders e.g. ordering 2 or 3 of an item when only one is required ( not 2 or 3 duplications of an order) This only occurs 2 or 3 times a week and I have tried ordering myself and have not had a problem. Has anyone else had this issue.

    My website is and the issue is not specific to one product and it has become more prevalent in the last 3 weeks.

    Regards Bedspring

    Customers are probably trying to order at a time when the internet/your server is on a go slow due to excess traffic in the run up to Xmas.

    If the website is slow they will press the add to cart more than once, not realising they are adding more and more to the cart.

    Since this has become more prevelant over the past 3 weeks it could be a solution.

    You would have though they would notice the total order value though.


      I'm getting this a bit tooo....customers calling me saying "I've got 3 in my cart but I only want one, how do I only buy one?"
      It's a pain but I think customers are a) trigger happy b) not paying complete attention when they add to cart and so miss the cart and redirect and c)too lazy to work out how to get to the cart to edit it again


        We get this problem quite frequently. It's usually caused by customers being returned to the product page from which they ordered after adding to basket and assuming that they have been unsuccessful in placing their order, so they try again, and again, and again!!! They therefore end up with multiple items in the cart. If they phone us we can talk them through removing the surplus items from the cart, and when we explain to them how the site works they usually understand fairly quickly, but it would be preferable if the sequence following "Add to Cart" was different. Either take them back to the home page or preferably have a pop-up stating that they have successfully added the item to the cart.
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          the first time I tested online I thought it hadn't worked due to this and I'm not a newb honest


            If you untick the 'Order quanitity always one' box under business settings>Ordering then the customer will be taken to a page where they can confirm the quantity and this won't happen any more.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Change tha cart redirect time to 0, this means that once an item is added the cust is sent to the cart permanently.(Design>Options>Shop Defaults>Bounce Delay) You do need to make sure that there is some good navigation on the cart page so the cust can easily find the next item they want.
              Blushingbuyer, banishing blushes since 2000.


                Originally posted by olderscot
                If you untick the 'Order quanitity always one' box under business settings>Ordering then the customer will be taken to a page where they can confirm the quantity and this won't happen any more.

                We do have the above set up (ie customer does have to enter quantity) and it does happen!


                  Hmm, wondered why this was and dug a bit deeper. Under 'Design options>Shop Defaults' I have 'quantity on confirmation page'. That should fix it as then the customer has a two stage add to cart which they can't miss. (can they ? )


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Originally posted by olderscot
                    the customer has a two stage add to cart which they can't miss. (can they ? )

                    You'd think, eh?


                      I removed "quantity on product page" and changed to "quantity in shopping cart" as I found that i got confused when I was bounced back to the product page after hitting the add to cart.

                      If get get confused, think about the poor customer (no comments on my confusion please)


                        Originally posted by steveaich
                        Change tha cart redirect time to 0, this means that once an item is added the cust is sent to the cart permanently.(Design>Options>Shop Defaults>Bounce Delay) You do need to make sure that there is some good navigation on the cart page so the cust can easily find the next item they want.
                        I went the other way and added a longer delay but also added further info into the text explaining they would return to the page they were on. I also made the cart display more prominent (also adding in another view cart icon) so people would see they had items in the cart already.

                        A job for the new year is to add a "Help" or "FAQ" button into the navigation to help the trigger happy remove duplicated items

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          Originally posted by pinbrook
                          I removed "quantity on product page" and changed to "quantity in shopping cart" as I found that i got confused when I was bounced back to the product page after hitting the add to cart.

                          If get get confused, think about the poor customer (no comments on my confusion please)
                          That sounds a good possibiliyty. Were do I look to do that please.
                          Regards Bedspring


                            Design | Options | Shop Defaults | Shopping Mode

                            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                              Big THANK YOU lets see if that works

