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'Continue Shopping' button busts out of frameset

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    'Continue Shopping' button busts out of frameset

    Catalog V6

    My main web site is framed with the Actinic part of the site running within the main frame.

    When I perform the following actions, 'View Cart' and then 'Continue Shopping' more than once the Actinic part of the site 'busts' out of the frameset leaving only the Actinic part in the browser window. This also always happens when I make a change to a quantity in the shopping cart and then press 'Update' and then 'Continue Shopping'

    This may (or may not) be because the 'Continue Shopping' button, at this stage, is having a targeting problem and is probably targeting the whole frameset.

    This does not happen if I add a product to the basket and 'Confirm'.

    Any help, much appreciated.


    Could you please let me know the URL of your store with the problem and the version of the software you are using (6.0.2, 6.1.0 etc).

    If you are on 6.0.2 it may be worth upgrading to 6.1.2 to see if that fixes it. I know there have been some changes in his area recently.


      Hi Chris

      Im using 6.1.2. The Actinic part of the site is running within an ASP.NET frameset.

      Unfortunately I cant post the URL here as until the site goes live to the public I am under a confidentiality agreement. I can however email you the URL if you can supply me your email address via a blank email.

      Hope you can help some more




        OK, Ive hard coded the 'Continue Shopping' button for now with <A HREF=> and commented out the Actinic code for that button and this seems to have sorted the probelm out.

        I would still be interested in finding a solution using the Actinic code.



          I have been able to recreate this, and I have reported it to the development team. Thanks for letting us know.

