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One Add to Cart Button or Multiple Buttons

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    One Add to Cart Button or Multiple Buttons

    I'm looking for some opinions or like to hear from other's experience here.

    Our new website will list a number of different honeys on the one page. I am thinking of adding one add to cart button for the whole page so that people can enter the number of jars of multiple products in one go. This seems "logical" to me but is it really?

    Other websites I have visited have multiple "Add to Cart" buttons per page. Can anyone tell me what works better in their experience - one button per page or buttons for each product?


    it very much depends on the product line as to whether this is a good idea.

    For example with Honey how many people will buy more than one type from the same page? By only having one add to cart button you may end up confusing people as they won't think to scroll down the page to find the button.


      Thanks for the reply Jo. I do expect people to order multiple items from the same page - as our mail order sales indicate this. However I am concerned about the second point you raise which I've also though about when we have a larger number of products per page. Is it possible to add a second "add selection to cart" button on the page - but then at the top. Or will this possibly confuse people even more


        Rest assured whichever route you take it will confuse somebody. Guaranteed.

        I like to see a big "buy me" button next to each item - you see it - you buy it. No messing and no confusion. If you have a page fold people may not see the button and wonder how to add to the cart or if they do see the single button they may assume it is to buy everything on that page.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

