I would like to display the shipping options in a table if possible or at least, with radio button selection as you can with an attribute. Can anyone shed any light on how to this? Any help much appreciated.
# # Start the SELECT tag # $sSelectHTML = "<SELECT ID='lstClass' NAME='ShippingClass'>\n"; foreach $phashShipping (@::s_arrSortedShippingHashes) # for each shipping option { # # Handle the label by appending the cost if we're displaying prices # $sClassLabel = $$phashShipping{ShippingLabel}; if ($::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices) # displaying prices? { my (@PriceResponse) = ActinicOrder::FormatPrice($$phashShipping{Cost}, $::TRUE, \%::s_Ship_PriceFormatBlob); $sClassLabel .= sprintf($sPriceLabelFormat, $PriceResponse[2]); # add the price to the label } # # Set the SELECTED attribute # $sClassID = $$phashShipping{ShippingClass}; my $sSelected = ($sClassID eq $::s_hashShipData{'ShippingClass'}) ? # if this one is the current selection 'SELECTED ': # make it the selected value else ''; # just another value # # Format as an OPTION tag # $sSelectHTML .= sprintf("<OPTION %s Value='%s'>%s\n", $sSelected, $sClassID, $sClassLabel); } # # End the SELECT tag # $sSelectHTML .= "</SELECT>\n"; }
# # Start the RADIO list # $sSelectHTML = ''; foreach $phashShipping (@::s_arrSortedShippingHashes) # for each shipping option { # # Handle the label by appending the cost if we're displaying prices # $sClassLabel = $$phashShipping{ShippingLabel}; if ($::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices) # displaying prices? { my (@PriceResponse) = ActinicOrder::FormatPrice($$phashShipping{Cost}, $::TRUE, \%::s_Ship_PriceFormatBlob); $sClassLabel .= sprintf($sPriceLabelFormat, $PriceResponse[2]); # add the price to the label } # # Set the CHECKED attribute # $sClassID = $$phashShipping{ShippingClass}; my $sSelected = ($sClassID eq $::s_hashShipData{'ShippingClass'}) ? # if this one is the current selection 'checked ': # make it the selected value else ''; # just another value # # Format as an RADIO tag # $sSelectHTML .= sprintf("<input type='radio' %s NAME='ShippingClass' Value='%s'>%s\n", $sSelected, $sClassID, $sClassLabel); } }
$sSelectHTML .= sprintf("<input type='radio' %s NAME='ShippingClass' Value='%s'>%s\n",
$sSelectHTML .= sprintf("<input type='radio' %s NAME='ShippingClass' Value='%s'>%s<br>\n",