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Editing Templates With Dreamweaver

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    Editing Templates With Dreamweaver

    Hi, Can you open templates in the dreamweaver 3 editor and copy and paste HTML from word into it? I am trying to edit the act.body, act.line and act.separator templates to allow me to put numerous columns into the product layout and my typing is really slow. Copying and pasting existing code would help a lot. Will it work?

    Jewellery Designers

    I would be very nervous about copying in code direct from WORD - if you do hand check every line for validity as WORD is a pig for HTML. Take a back up of the template before editing anything.

    When importing from WORD in the past (not into DW or ACcTINIC) I have temporarily pasted into Notepad and then copied and pasted into the target program to lose any of the styling. Think that was an old copy of WORD 95 mind - newer versions can be better.

    Don't forget that some of the templates are forming part of a wider table so take care not to kill any "larger" tables

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Couldn't agree more with Jont - Word html is terrible.
      I would recommend using DW to create the tables and then cutting and pasting text (via Notepad) into DW.
      It would probably take longer trying to clean up after Word than to create the tables in DW.


        Thanks for the replies. Ok I wont trust word. I have tried editing the templates through the template manager but cannot seem to find the act.product body/seperator/line, as all I seem to be able to get in is the primary and cannot 'click' on the product/section underneath it. Can you advise the 'route' to them? Hope that makes sense.

        Jewellery Designers


          I personally never use the template manager - I tend to simply open DW and then open the site1 folder to see a list of all the ACT_templates listed there

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Template manager is useful to help locate the required template, if you combine it with the html editor its a good starting point.

