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a real brain teaser

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    a real brain teaser

    here's one for the lateral thinkers that normally answer the shipping questions.

    all orders over £45 free,
    every order under £45 to be shipped by weight,
    single items beetween £18-£45 shipped by weight,
    single items beetween £0-£18 shipped by weight,

    here's the catch any package that contains multaple items and exeeds the total value of £18 say £19 i want to break into 2 packages eg:£16 and £3 and charge for wheight on both packages.

    any method considered even if it means altering values across the store,, adding script,, anything...!

    would be easy if there was a default package price as well as a default package weight, this i think would be an exelent addition to the wish list as the fullfilment industry is growing at an alarming rate and more and more companys are using jersey as a base for there activity's,
    and this shipping method must be addopted by any such companys.
    Gary Simpson
    Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....

    Set all orders over £45 to be postage free in the shipping and handling. Set a single shipping zone with postage rates up to £18 by weight then double the shipping rate upto £36 and again upto £45.

    This way customers will be charged the extra postage for a split package over £18 value.



      but would that not only break the package in 2 if the postal charge exeeded £18, i need to split the package if the items total exeeds £18 and again at £36..
      ill keep looking at your answer but i think this is the case.
      Gary Simpson
      Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....


        im on catalogue v7

        have other packages got more shipping features...i cant set a package to optimal order value.. can others..?
        Gary Simpson
        Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....


          Try doing as I suggested earlier but this time using the "Total Value" option in Shipping and handling.


            to compete

            afraid i would need to set fixed postal charges to high to avoid being stung by heavy items and this would put customers off the cheap light items i can ship for a quid,,
            the trouble is my products dont follow any trend whereby they get more expensive as they get heavy..

            it must be as first mentioned or ill just need to stick with by weight and bear the slight cost of splitting the order into 2 or 3 packages when needed to maintain the £18 consignment limit
            Gary Simpson
            Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....

