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    Has anyone used Blogs or is planning to use Blogs to increase their Ranking...I am just exploring the idea right any feedback would be appreciated...
    Is it better to add the blog to your main website or on a seperate domain...


    I would be aware that Google may be planning to penalise sites that use bloggs as a means of increasing thier ranking, following on from the recent Jagger update.


      Its I am waiting for my lunch ...what makes you say that? G really likes Blogs...they rank them very well..have you seen how quickly Blogs get high Ranking?


        Yes - thats why Google are looking at them I think. Much like link farms were abused, bloggs are going the same way as it is very easy to get a high page rank for a site.

        Those who have guest books may already be subjected to mass posts and bloggs are now getting abused by sites looking for links.

        It may not happen but there is some talk of it in SEO circles.

        Also mentioned is a possible change to ranking a site by its traffic rather than links etc - this would make a far more realistic measure of a sites popularity.


          As with most things in life if done with care and consideration a blog should be OK for boosting ratings. Keep it diverse and with content that is not just hundreds of links back to your products. Link to other sites of interest, add in a few funnies etc... keep it as "blog like" as possible.. this will get people to return and will hopefully not get you penalised for spamming.

          Also worth considering turning off any ability to accept comments or as I do moderate all comments without a direct posting ability so people cannot spam your site with their links, keywords, signature links etc.

          As Malcolm says, Guest Books are now a very big NO and are only useful for harvesting email addresses for spammers

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

