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Actinic Developer License Question

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    Actinic Developer License Question

    I plan to start a few websites, but I don't plan on doing ALL of the work associated with them. For instance, I will be hiring an SEO professional to do some work on the site. In addition, I may hire a copywriter to improve the copy for the website. I may have others do work on the site.

    Will this be possible with Actinic's Developer license? After I have set up my sites (added products, sections, etc.), will my SEO guy be able to do his SEO stuff from his computer? Or am I the only one that will be able to alter my websites? Can multiple people with different resposibilities be able to contribute to the same website(s)?

    So long as the 3rd parties have a copy (and at the same version number) of Actinic Business or Developer they can work on the snapshots you send to them - you would then need to import the snaphot back into Actinic to see their changes.

    Whilst the SEO guy is working the snapshot you can only download orders as any changes you make will be lost. Make sure when you import the snapshot back into your machine you do not overwrite the orders or these will be lost.

    It is worth checking out the SEO advice on this forum as a lot is very specific to Actinic as well as good general advice you can implement yourself. It is not really worth sending a snaphot to a copywriter - I would be inclined to simply receive any text in plain TEXT format (even Word) and copy and paste into Actinic as required. This will save on downtime as you are not waiting for the snapshot to return and for good SEO you can add little and often to build the site gradually rather than implementing everything all at once.

    I trust the copywriter and SEO people are both at the same company? Both go hand-in-hand and if using separate teams it could lead to complications and wasted monies.

    Make sure before you get the services of an SEO expert they have working knowledge of Actinic. Whilst much of what they do is generic Actinic does have its own features and peculiarities. There has been several threads where people have employed SEO companies to do work and when checked by people on here it is very apparent they have no knowledge of Actinic.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



      Actinic is seo friendly out of the box.

      I would suggest you search this forum for seo and make a note of the main points to bear in mind whilst making your site, like name sections and descriptions using your keywords if possible and also name your jpg's after the item and not just a stock number i.e. rubber_duck.jpg and not rd1243.jpg.

      Also think of the reference number actinic will automatically issue one if you have it enabled but you will most likely prefer to use a stock numer that is meaningfull and will tie in with your accounts, my own preference is to use the supplying companys initial as the first letter and then their code i.e Fen345 = Faraday might be the company and their item code for this product is en345. It make more sence than using 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc which bears no resemblance to the item and item 9875 may be hard to remember.

      Get your site up and running, put a sitemap on the site (see this forum) and register with a few search engines and then consider seo and other things, you will probably find you can do most yourself with the help of this community

      Hope this helps

      Good luck
      Chris Ashdown


        Actinic is seo friendly out of the box.
        not quite, there is still alot of work to be done with body text, page titles etc etc.

        Actinic is SEO friendly in as far as it is flexible to add the bells and whistles


          ... and it uses static HTML pages unlike some other cart solutions

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Originally posted by gannawdm
            I plan to start a few websites, but I don't plan on doing ALL of the work associated with them. For instance, I will be hiring an SEO professional to do some work on the site. In addition, I may hire a copywriter to improve the copy for the website. I may have others do work on the site.

            Will this be possible with Actinic's Developer license? After I have set up my sites (added products, sections, etc.), will my SEO guy be able to do his SEO stuff from his computer? Or am I the only one that will be able to alter my websites? Can multiple people with different resposibilities be able to contribute to the same website(s)?
            The Developer Licence is for one PC only, therefore you would not be able to give your site contributors a licence of your Developer software. These people can either download a trial from our website and install the snap shot as Jonty suggested. Doing this is fine but there is a word of warning. While one person is making changes, the other users, including yourself will not be able to make changes to the site as when you re-import the snapshot, it will overight the changes that were made since the snapshot was exported.

            If you exported your site to one of the Developer owners on this forum, then they could make the changes for you. There are a lot of very knowledgable people that use this forum and our software and I'm sure you will find someone that can make the changes and imporvements that you are looking for.
            Mark Rice
            Actinic Sales
            0845 1294800

