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Add to Cart Buttons/ text missing

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    Add to Cart Buttons/ text missing

    Hi- I wonder if you could give me some tips, I revamped my products and currently offering a sale. In the process, I tried to get rid of files and pix i that were glogging my pc and that included the picture i used for "add to cart" button. This picture is on disc and I want to go back to using the actinic image, which i found were it normally is. I had also suspended ordering over Christmas but i have just clicked the "ordering allowed" on Business settings. my problem is that I do not have an add to cart button even after I selected to use the actinic one- I have also tried to select use text- but nothing is showing.
    Under Design| options|Shopping mode I selected - Quantity on Product Page, Add to cart button: Image, addtocart.gif, Single add to cart button, Image, addtocart.gif
    View|Business settings | Odering, I've cahnged from suspended to allowed.
    I still cannot see any add to cart buttons. even after refreshing the site.

    As always, posting an URL would help.

    If the site isn't live, tell us what happens if you select a Text Button for the Add to Cart.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      at the moment i have selected text and published the site. but still no buttons.


        There seems to no Add to Cart button or image on that page.

        P.S. Your site was also very slow to load. I noticed that your images are at least twice as big as they could be if you used a reasonable amount of JPG compressions.

        P.P.S. It was trivial to get around your right-click blocker to verify this.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Sorry - I have disabled the right click blocker for now.
          I have to use images that size for whats on SALE.
          I don't know why there aren't any add to cart buttons / even text?


            Just browsing...., & passing by.....

            Very confusing page.... choices available but no explanation as to what they are! AND NO 'add to cart' button, how can this be? And I thought I had problems. NRN (no reply necessary).......

            editted - my post crossed with last reply.
            Last edited by Paul Bulpit; 28-Dec-2005, 10:33 PM. Reason: timing overlap
   - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

            Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


              It would help if you could post your Product Template (probably Act_productLineLarge.html) and also Act_CartButtonImage.html and Act_CartButton.html as the fault seems to be somewhere in that lot.

              P.S. My note about your images being large didn't mean they were too big on-screen. That's fine. It's that the size of the images (in bytes on disk an thus downloaded to yoyr on-line customers) is more than is needed for JPG images. Most image editing programs can adjust the amount of compression so that you can trade off reduced file sizes (and quicker page loads) against reduced clarity.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Cheers Norman - Here are the files
                Attached Files


                  Those files are all fine. Are you sure that Act_ProductLineLarge.html is the Template that your products use?

                  Also there's no Quantity field showing either. Double check that in View / Business Settings / Ordering / Online Ordering that Allowed is checked and that Suspended is unchecked.

                  P.S. More on your images: DSC08172.jpg (the first picture of European Weave) is 84Kb filesize. This reduces to only 13Kb after being resaved with typical compression for a web-page image. Thus loading 5 times faster. It will be well worth your while to get all your images reduced in filesize.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    Thanks Norman
                    I've had a look at the Business settings the "Allowed" is selected while suspended is Not selected.

                    As for the templates I have checked under
                    Advanced| Template Mgr|Section |
                    When I click Product Line it shows the Act_ProductLine.html
                    When I click Other [under Product Line] it shows another pop up box with product templates, the 1st highlighted one being Act_ProductLineLarge.html
                    The files I attached before are from the Site1 folder

                    Pix- Thanx I think I will reduce the size of the pictures using Photoimpact - I think I have done this before. At the moment I am adding new products for the new yr and will def. do this.


                      Very strange. Your templates are OK. The fault seems to be that Actinic thinks you've unchecked ordering / Allowed. You could try unchecking this, Previewing, reChecking it, Previewing and see if that fixes it.

                      This may be one for Actinic when they wake up in the morning.
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                        Can you check that the products have 'Can be ordered online' checked on the 'General' tab of the details. If that is not the problem then I think you would need to register a support query here so we can get your snapshot to find out what the problem is as you seem to have checked every other option that I can think of.



                          Cheers Tracy
                          I feel really Stupid Now.
                          I have checked "Can be Ordered Online" and the quantity box and button have appeared.
                          What I don't understand is why this had changed- I had over 200 products for sale and they all had add to cart buttons. Would this have been unchecked automatically when i suspended ordering?
                          I had a support query - I will have to send the guy handling it an email as all is well now.



                            Would this have been unchecked automatically when i suspended ordering?
                            These tick boxes shouldn't be unticked when you suspend ordering. If you take a backup of the site with the 'can be ordered online' boxes ticked, can you test it out by suspending ordering again and see if those boxes get unchecked again. If they do then you can get back to my colleague dealing with your email request with a snapshot so he can try to find out what is happening and you can re-import your snapshot so you don't have to go through them all again.

