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    Hi Jo

    Semi resolved the firefox menu issue (used tables and css instead of just css). I found if I put index.html in this folder if you clicked home from any of the pages within the site it would load this page up - so have popped in an index.htm page and these seems to have done the trick.

    Thanks for your help.

    Do you think the view cart items are not working becuase there is not a proper domain pointing at the site? as the site is still being built and tested we have a hosting domain pointing to it.


      Originally posted by peanut
      Hi Jo

      Do you think the view cart items are not working becuase there is not a proper domain pointing at the site? as the site is still being built and tested we have a hosting domain pointing to it.
      I'm not sure here if we are talking about the Items: & Value display , or the actual view basket.

      But since I can see the basket contents after adding a red riding jacket, I shall assume the former

      Lookiing at the code you have, all I can see is

      <td align="center" background="blue-btn.gif" height="25">Items: &nbsp;Value:</td>

      well that is never going to display a value.

      You should have the following.....
      <script language="JavaScript">
      document.write("NETQUOTEVAR:CARTCOOKIEITEMS&nbsp;" + getCartItem(3)+"&nbsp;<BR>");
      document.write("NETQUOTEVAR:CARTCOOKIEVALUE&nbsp;" + getCartItem(1));
      inside your <td>



        Thanks again - I just presumed becasue there where netquotevar placeholders that this aherm called the correct bits.



          When I hover over one of your sections the url is [URL removed by request]'. In the shop when hovering over your pull-out menus the urls change between [URL removed by request]' and '[URL removed by request]', although the address in the address bar stays the same. I think this is where your problem lies.


            Hi Tracey

            That was probably just a caching problem as everything is totally fine now.

