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new window resize

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    new window resize

    I want to use my own link using target=_"blank" on the product page to the extended information.

    eg. !!<<a href="" target=_"blank">more information..</a>>!!

    This works but the page that opens is full size.

    Is there any way of stating the size of window to open? eg. to the size of a pop up window?

    I am conscious that a good number of firms block popups so am providing the information as an external link. I also need to have the menu/tool bars so that they can print from there if they wish. Popups strip out the menus.

    Hope someone has some ideas.

    Thanks in advance

    There's quite a few posts on the forum about doing this.
    I'm doing this on my site for additional pictures with javascript instead - example (the ....440,400..... is the window size):

    <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('popup.html',440,440)">my popup</a>

    (The function ShowPopUp is in actiniccore.js)

    Duncan R


      Hi Duncan
      Thanks for your code. It's a neat piece of code.

      However I have tried this and it only works if "automatic popups" are blocked. If all popups are blocked the window will not open. My customers are all business-2-business and their computers are heavily protected.

      I am worried - since most of my information is in this new window they will not be able to get to it and abandon the purchase.

      I need some code to re-size the window with the target=_"blank" without popups.

      An another alternative would be by clicking the link it takes them to the existing window with the extended information bedded into it. I have tried to follow previous posts to do this but cannot follow how to do this. ie. removing popups in the Design/text/website/html and then somehow putting the information into a template. I get stuck with the second part of this and have abandoned it so far.

      Thanks once again.


        As you say js popups may be be blocked by default in many cases. I don't know how to limit the size of a standard new browser instance - I think it takes it's previous size stored in the registry on your local computer.

        Depending on how many you have - maybe you could creat a duplicate of the item in it's own section with a different template to show more details.

        Inversely, in one of my sites I have all my products in their own section with a small duplicate version in communal parent sections - like an overview or summary.

        (Note: Adult Lingerie)
        For example on my site - an overview of duplicates:
        and a detail of a single product in it's own section:

        Duncan R


          Thanks for the examples - very useful.

          How do you duplicate the products without giving them a new reference no? It would be very useful to be able to do this.

          I am using Business and have to give a new number when I duplicate a product.

          Thanks once again.


            I have never been asked for another reference when pasting as duplicate - also using Dev/Bus - maybe it's because I'm using my own product references not autogenerated ones.

            Duplicated products get a reference that has a number followed by a !. With my product references such as BR1234, the duplicate automatically becomes 1!BR1234 for the first duplicate and 2!BR1234 if there's a second etc.

            Duncan R


              Hi Duncan
              Just writing to say a big thankyou for your help and suggestions for adding extended information.

              I have duplicated each product as you suggested and link from each product to the duplicate. This is by far the best solution for people where popups are blocked.

              Thanks once again.

              Best wishes

