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Catalogue Section pages in Brochure Sidebar menu?

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    Catalogue Section pages in Brochure Sidebar menu?


    If i used the Home page (Brochure Page), the side bar menu is left blank. How do i pull in the section list which would normally be seen on the acatalog page?
    What code do i need, and where should it go?

    Thanks in advance again :-)

    UK Mobile Phone Accessories

    Locate the section link code in your Act_Primary and copy it into your Brochure page template.

    Duncan R

    Just a note Zee - I see that most of the links on your homepage are coming up 'Page not Found'.


      Good Evening Duncan,

      Many thanks for the response. Perhaps i am a bit of a newbie here, but which part of the Act_Primary code do i copy in to the Brochure page template & where exactly do i place it? Its probably obvious but i cant see it.

      I am aware that many of the links dont work. I need to rebuild the index page. I thought of using the brochure pages to make my index page (Home) however having scoured the posts on here, i get the impression its not search engine friendly. What are your thoughts?

      But cheers for reminding me about the links. Coincidentally, i'm currently looking at Custom Error pages for "File not Found" :-)

      Cheers Duncan

      UK Mobile Phone Accessories


        I don't have version 6 but I think it will be similar. It's hard not knowing what you have to start with but this below may help. Make sure you backup up any template before you modify it.

        If you look for this in Act_BrochurePrimary:
        <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" background="palette1bg.gif">
        <td align="right">NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE&nbsp;</td>

        and add something like this from Act_Primary to replace the red highlighted above:
        <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="00" >

        You may have to add additional rows or columns into the table but I hope this helps - otherwise someone wiser than me can hopefully add some info that will help explain better.

        Duncan R



          Thanks for that - will give it a shot in the morning. Have updated the site and got rid of all the bad links (cheers again for remindin me).


          UK Mobile Phone Accessories

