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Next & Previous - Change text

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    Next & Previous - Change text


    I have added in the next & previous links so a customer can browse through the whole catalog - however is there anyway of removing the category names and just having Next> & <Previous as links instead without having to individually create templates for each page?

    Any help apprecaited!

    Sorted simply replaced the place holder with the text required(next etc) keeping the placeholder link - added my own style and eh voila!


      This is ok, but check to make sure that you don't now have links at the beginning and end of your catalog that go nowhere and are shown as 'page not found'.

      Duncan R


        Hi Duncan

        Ahhhhhhh! didn't think of this at all is there any way round this? or do I just need to use an indiviual template for the first and last page - tiny bit of a bother as fingers crossed my client will be self managing this site...

        Thanks again


          I don't know of a way round this - I was going to implemet this and decided against it for that reason - but of course as you say you could use different templates for the first and last pages - so long as your client will understand how to maintain it when adding pages later.

          These links might be worth a read:

          Duncan R


            Cheers Duncan

            I'll just need to use the individual templates and provide a good guide for my client.

